Thomas J.S.: Probleme mit Netscape auf meiner Page !!

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Hallo Michael!

Leonhard Kronast, hat geschrieben ich hätte eine ganze Reihe von HTML-Tags nicht geschlossen, aber wo muß ich die Setzen ?????

Gruß Michael

Es geht um die Datei:

Es fehlen viele closing-tag's.  </table> </td> </tr> oder die sind am falschen Platz. Auch wenn so mancher meint (siehe die anderen Threads "NS zu dumm..."), daß man nicht mit dem Satz kommen soll:" Es ist wichtig, daß man "saubere" HTML schreibt", aber es ist eben so. Wenn du kannst lasse einen HTML-Validator auf deine Seiten los bevor sie ins Netz kommen, das hilft viele Fehler von vornhinen zu vermeiden.

Jetzt zu den Fehler.(die Nummer geben die Zeilenzhahl an)

  1. Found the character '<' while looking for '>'. The character '>' must appear before another '<'.
  2. The tag name "table" must be closed but the closing tag was not found.
    18)The tag name "td" must be closed but the closing tag was not found.
    31)The tag name "table" must be closed but the closing tag was not found.
    33)The tag name "td" was found, but is not valid due to its location (range). The valid range for this tag is TR.
  3. "table" (opened in line 31) should be closed before "tr" is closed (nesting error).
    50)The tag name "tr" must be closed but the closing tag was not found.
    51)The tag name "td" must be closed but the closing tag was not found.
    54)The tag name "tr" was found, but is not valid due to its location (range). The valid range for this tag is TABLE.
    55)The tag name "td" must be closed but the closing tag was not found.
    58)The closing tag for "p" was found, but the tag was never opened or has been closed too many times.
    63)The closing tag for "p" was found, but the tag was never opened or has been closed too many times.
    68)The tag name "td" was found, but is not valid due to its location (range). The valid range for this tag is TR.
    69)"td" (opened in line 55) should be closed before "tr" is closed (nesting error).
    70)The tag name "tr" was found, but is not valid due to its location (range). The valid range for this tag is TABLE.
    71)The tag name "td" must be closed but the closing tag was not found.
    80)The tag name "tr" was found, but is not valid due to its location (range). The valid range for this tag is TABLE.
    81)The tag name "td" must be closed but the closing tag was not found.
    83)"td" (opened in line 81) should be closed before "div" is closed (nesting error).