Gero Takke: Linux,Samba und Rechtevergabe ????

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Hi, ich darf noch folgendes hinzufügen ?;)

The sticky bit also has a different meaning when applied to
        directories.  If the sticky bit is set on a directory, then a
        user may only delete files that the user owns or for which he
        has explicit write permission granted, even when he has write
        access to the directory.  This is designed for directories like
        /tmp, which are world-writable, but where it may not be
        desirable to allow any user to delete files at will.  The sticky
        bit is seen as a 't' in a long directory listing.

chmod +t ./ würde also wahrscheinlich abhilfe schaffen.
Funktioniert allerdings  nicht, wenn der löschende user auch owner der directory ist.

bis dann