Christian Weissengruber: Ich möchte nur 5 Datensätze anzeigen lassen, das funktioniert nicht!!!

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Hallo Seppl
hast Du jetzt geglaubt, Du schreibst einfach hin Pagesize = wasichwill und irgendwer wird sich dan darum kuemmern?
Du musst das Ding auch verwenden.
das hier heisst "self" aber ich bin mal nicht so,
ich geb Dir ein Beispiel:

<!-- #INCLUDE FILE="../Include/Connection.asp" -->
<STYLE TYPE="text/css">
BODY {font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif; font-size:10pt}
.heading {font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14pt; font-weight:bold}
.cite {font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif; font-size:8pt}
<SPAN CLASS="heading">Paging through Recordsets using ASP</SPAN><HR>

  Dim rsData
  Dim iPage
  Dim iTotalPages
  Dim fldF
  Dim iRec
  Dim sQuote
  Dim sMe

sQuote = Chr(34)  ' the double quote character

Set rsData = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

' set the page size
  rsData.PageSize = 10
  rsData.CursorLocation = adUseClient

' open the data
  rsData.Open "authors", strConn, _
              adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly, adCmdTable

' get the requested data
  If Request.QueryString("PAGE") = "" Then
    iPage = 1
    ' protect against out of range pages, in case
    ' of a user specified page number
    If iPage < 1 Then
      iPage = 1
      If iPage > rsData.PageCount Then
        iPage = rsData.PageCount
        iPage = CInt(Request.QueryString("PAGE"))
      End If
    End If
  End If

' set the page
  rsData.AbsolutePage = iPage

' start building the table
  Response.Write "<TABLE BORDER=1><THEAD><TR>"
  For Each fldF In rsData.Fields
    Response.Write "<TD>" & fldF.Name & "</TD>"
  Response.Write "</TR></THEAD><TBODY>"

' now loop through the
  For iRec = 1 To rsData.PageSize
    If Not rsData.EOF Then
      Response.Write "<TR>"
      For Each fldF In rsData.Fields
        Response.Write "<TD>" & fldF.Value & "</TD>"
      Response.Write "</TR>"
    End If
  Response.Write "</TBODY></THEAD></TABLE><P>"

' now some paging controls
  sMe = Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")
  Response.Write " <A HREF=" & sQuote & sMe & "?PAGE=1" & sQuote & ">First Page</A>"

' only give an active previous page if there are previous pages
  If iPage = 1 Then
    Response.Write " <SPAN>Previous Page</SPAN>"
    Response.Write " <A HREF=" & sQuote & sMe & "?PAGE=" & iPage - 1 & sQuote & ">Previous Page</A>"
  End If

' only give an active next page if there are more pages
  If iPage = rsData.PageCount Then
    Response.Write " <SPAN>Next Page</SPAN>"
    Response.Write " <A HREF=" & sQuote & sMe & "?PAGE=" & iPage + 1 &  sQuote & ">Next Page</A>"
  End If

Response.Write " <A HREF=" & sQuote & sMe & "?PAGE=" & rsData.PageCount & sQuote & ">Last Page</A>"

' and clear up
  Set rsData = Nothing

<HR><SPAN CLASS="cite">©1999 <A CLASS="cite" HREF="">Wrox Press</A> -
<A CLASS="cite" HREF="">Professional ASP 3.0</A> (ISBN: 1-861002-61-0)</SPAN>
