Roman: RIPE-MD160

Hat irgend jemand schon eine Implementierung des Ripe-MD160 Algorithmus in Javascript gesehen oder geschrieben. Ist dies ueberhaupt moeglich?

Has anyone seen or coded an implementation of the RIPE-MD160 hashing algorithm in javascript? Would such an implementation be feasible?

  1. Hi!

    Has it now become common to translate oneselves postings into english?
    Does the SelfHTML forum now get the attention from people all over the world it really earns and would have earned for long?
    Or will it remain a german-only forum?
    Who knows. The times they are a' changing! *Tempora mutantur*.

    But now to the question: In case the javascript language is a full implementation of the turing machine concept (what I strongly suppose it is) it is in any way possible to program any calculable algorithm in it. So if there is no implementation of that funny MD160 algorithm - you can be the one to program it first - in case the algorithm is deterministic, totally correct and (implied) terminates always.

