Jens Müller: ASP lokal auf IIS geht nicht

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Ich habe NT 4.0 Server mit IIS installiert, das funktioniert als lokaler Server für HTML
und CGI. Nur ASP geht nicht - was ist da los? Das Verzeichnis wwwroot ist zum Ausführen
freigegeben, die Datei hat die Endung .asp und der Browser bietet mir die Datei zum
Download, statt dass der Server die ASP-Anweisungen ausführt und die Seite als HTML-
Dokument liefert.

Die Antwort stammt zwar aus der PHP FAQ jedoch denke ich es ist das selbe Problem:

4.8 I have followed all the steps to install the Apache module version on UNIX, and my PHP scripts show up in my browser or I am being asked to
save the file. Help!

This means that the PHP module is not getting invoked for some reason. Three things to check before asking for further help:
        Make sure that the httpd binary you are running is the actual new httpd binary you just built. To do this, try running: /path/to/binary/httpd -l
        If you don't see mod_php3.c listed then you are not running the right binary. Find and install the correct binary.
        Make sure you have added the correct Mime Type to one of your Apache .conf files. It should be: AddType application/x-httpd-php3 .php3
        Also make sure that this AddType line is not hidden away inside a <Virtualhost> or <Directory> block which would prevent it from applying to the
        location of your test script.
        Finally, the default location of the Apache configuration files changed between Apache 1.2 and Apache 1.3. You should check to make sure that the
        configuration file you are adding the AddType line to is actually being read. You can put an obvious syntax error into your httpd.conf file or some other
        obvious change that will tell you if the file is being read corre ctly.

cu jens mueller