wenn du nen anonymus login oder nen komplett offenen server
hast, ja, dann öffnet der browser das ganz normal, wenn du
beutzer und passwort vergeben hast, mußt du vor den link die
parametet benutzername@passwort: einfügen
Muß man nicht unbedingt, der Browser würde auch nachfragen (wenn
er FTP-Anmeldung beherrscht), oder er kann mit diesem URL-Schema
garnichts anfangen (weil das nirgendwo Standard ist) [...]
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3.1. Common Internet Scheme Syntax
While the syntax for the rest of the URL may vary depending on the
particular scheme selected, URL schemes that involve the direct use
of an IP-based protocol to a specified host on the Internet use a
common syntax for the scheme-specific data:
Some or all of the parts "<user>:<password>@", ":<password>",
":<port>", and "/<url-path>" may be excluded. The scheme specific
data start with a double slash "//" to indicate that it complies with
the common Internet scheme syntax. The different components obey the
following rules:
An optional user name. Some schemes (e.g., ftp) allow the
specification of a user name.
An optional password. If present, it follows the user
name separated from it by a colon.
The user name (and password), if present, are followed by a
commercial at-sign "@". Within the user and password field, any ":",
"@", or "/" must be encoded.
Note that an empty user name or password is different than no user
name or password; there is no way to specify a password without
specifying a user name. E.g., URL:ftp://@host.com/ has an empty
user name and no password, URL:ftp://host.com/ has no user name,
while URL:ftp://foo:@host.com/ has a user name of "foo" and an
empty password.
3.2.1. FTP Name and Password
A user name and password may be supplied; they are used in the ftp
"USER" and "PASS" commands after first making the connection to the
FTP server. If no user name or password is supplied and one is
requested by the FTP server, the conventions for "anonymous" FTP are
to be used, as follows:
The user name "anonymous" is supplied.
The password is supplied as the Internet e-mail address
of the end user accessing the resource.
If the URL supplies a user name but no password, and the remote
server requests a password, the program interpreting the FTP URL
should request one from the user.
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Quelle: http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1738.html
bye, Frank!