"Wie kommst du darauf das JS compiliert wird ???"
Das ist ja das wiederspruechliche. Ich hab eben beides gelesen (bei Netscape und Microsoft). Und JS muss zwangsweise irgendwie compiliert werden, weil es da gibt:
"Conditional Compilation
Conditional compilation allows the use of new JScript language features without sacrificing compatibility with older versions that do not support the features."
aber gleichzeitig:
"JScript is an interpreted, object-based scripting language. Although it has fewer capabilities than full-fledged object-oriented languages like C++, JScript is more than sufficiently powerful for its intended purposes."
und Netscape:
[Zitat: Netscape CSJS Guide 1.5]
"Client-side JavaScript is embedded directly in HTML pages and is interpreted by the browser completely at runtime. Because production applications frequently have greater performance demands upon them, JavaScript applications that take advantage of its server-side capabilities are compiled before they are deployed. The next two sections introduce you to how JavaScript works on the client and on the server."
[Zitat: Netscape CSJS Reference 1.5]
Specifies a string of JavaScript code to be compiled as a function."
Je mehr Dokus ich von Netscape oder Microsoft ich mir ansehe um so mehr Argumente finde ich dafuer und dagegen ...