Christian Seiler: Analog-Modem bockt. Wer kann helfen?

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(vielleicht hilft es weiter)

Error 630:
The computer is not receiving a response from the modem.
Check that the modem is plugged in, and if necessary, turn the modem off and then turn it back on.

* Another program (Fax/VoiceMail software) may be using the modem
    * The Windows/TELEPHON.INI file may be broken or missing (run Windows/System/TAPIini.exe and reboot the computer)
    * COM port speed is too high for port (>9600bps on 8250/16450 UART's) or modem
    * Serial data format is not 8-N-1
    * Modem initialisation string could be incorrect
    * "Error 630 with 3Com Modem/LAN EtherLink III PC Card" - Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q198002
    * "Sierra Semiconductor 33.6 Modem Does Not Work Correctly" - Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q191422
    * "Phone Company Services May Disrupt Modem Functionality" - Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q184086

