Shahin: ASP-Counter

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Ich brauch unbedingt einen asp counter. Hat mir vielleicht jemand einen. :-)

Hier ein Textcounter:

'*     ASP 101 Sample Code -     *
'*                                                     *
'*   This code is made available as a service to our   *
'*      visitors and is provided strictly for the      *
'*               purpose of illustration.              *
'*                                                     *
'* Please direct all inquiries to *

' Declare our vaiables
Dim objFSO, objCountFile  ' object vars for FSO and File
Dim strCountFileName      ' filename of count text file
Dim iCount                ' count variable
Dim bUseImages            ' boolean whether or not to use images
Dim B                     ' standard looping var

' Determine whether we use images or plain text
' You could just set this to True or False instead
bUseImages = CBool(Request.QueryString("images"))

' Compute our count file's filename
' This is based on the file from which you call count.asp
' It basically takes that name and appends a .cnt so B don't
' accidently overwrite any files.  If for some reason you have
' a file named script_name.asp.cnt then change this or watch out!
strCountFileName = Server.MapPath(Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") & ".cnt")

' Create FileSystemObject to deal with file access
Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

' Open the file as a text stream (1 = ForReading, True = Create)
Set objCountFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strCountFileName, 1, True)

' Read the current count from the file
If Not objCountFile.AtEndOfStream Then
 ' Set value to contents of the file
 iCount = CLng(objCountFile.ReadAll)
 ' If no file exists or it's empty start at 0
 iCount = 0
End If

' Close the file and destroy the object
Set objCountFile = Nothing

' Increment the count
iCount = iCount + 1

' Overwrite existing file and get a text stream to new one
Set objCountFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strCountFileName, True)

' Write updated count
objCountFile.Write iCount

' Close the file and destroy the object
Set objCountFile = Nothing

' Destroy the FSO object
Set objFSO = Nothing

' We're all done with the hard part
' All that's left is to display the results
If bUseImages Then
 ' Loop through the count integer showing each digit
 ' You can grab the images one at a time or get the zip
 For B = 1 to Len(iCount)
  ' Output the IMG tag using the right digit
  Response.Write "<IMG SRC=""./images/digit_"
  Response.Write Mid(iCount, B, 1)
  Response.Write ".gif"" ALT="""
  Response.Write Mid(iCount, B, 1)
  Response.Write """ WIDTH=""20"" HEIGHT=""27"">"
 Next 'I
 ' No image wanted just show the variable
 Response.Write iCount
End If

Viel Spaß

