Rouven: Unterschied GET - POST

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der QueryString einer URL (-> GET Methode) hat eine Mengenbeschränkung > URL < 1024 Zeichen

nein, nein, nein. Warum hält sich dieses Gerücht nur so hartnäckig, noch dazu in so unterschiedlichen Varianten?

Nun ja, grundsätzlich hast du, auch nach RFC sicherlich Recht, allerdings:

The Apache web server applies a compile-time constant max request line limit.  As distributed, this limit is set to 8190 characters (including method and protocol).

As of apache 1.3.2 and later, there is a config parameter in httpd.conf that allows site administrators to lower this limit.  The limit cannot be raised, except at compile time.



It is worth mentioning that this document applies to limitations on the length of a URL.  The URL could be a GET or POST, however the restrictions are most commonly a factor in GET requests.

Based on the above information, the following recommendations are made based on the broad type of application under consideration.

Application Max URL Length Recommendation
Intranet Application Based on your lowest common denominator as defined in the above sections.  Value could be as high as 8190 or more if the most capable systems are used.
Web Application targeting 4 + level AOL, IE, and Netscape browsers, more capable users 2048
Web Application, targeting 3 + level AOL, IE, and Netscape browsers, most corporate proxy servers 1024
Web Application targeting widest possible audience, potential for obscure browsers, proxy servers, etc. 255

Also, remember the following mathematical certainty when performing your calculations:
2+2=5 for sufficiently large values of 2.