Hallo zusammen!
Warum gibt die Funktion nix aus???
function phpLinkCheck($url, $r = FALSE)
/* Purpose: Check HTTP Links
* Usage: $var = phpLinkCheck(absoluteURI)
* $var["Status-Code"] will return the HTTP status code
* (e.g. 200 or 404). In case of a 3xx code (redirection)
* $var["Location-Status-Code"] will contain the status
* code of the new loaction.
* See print_r($var) for the complete result
* Author: Johannes Froemter j-f@gmx.net
* Date: 2001-04-14
* Version: 0.1 (currently requires PHP4)
*/$url = trim($url);
if (!preg_match("=://=", $url)) $url = "http://$url";
$url = parse_url($url);
if (strtolower($url["scheme"]) != "http") return FALSE;if (!isset($url["port"])) $url["port"] = 80;
if (!isset($url["path"])) $url["path"] = "/";$fp = fsockopen($url["host"], $url["port"], &$errno, &$errstr, 30);
if (!$fp)
return FALSE;
{$head = "";
$httpRequest = "HEAD ". $url["path"] ." HTTP/1.1\r\n"
."Host: ". $url["host"] ."\r\n"
."Connection: close\r\n\r\n";
fputs($fp, $httpRequest);
while(!feof($fp)) $head .= fgets($fp, 1024);
fclose($fp);preg_match("=^(HTTP/\d+.\d+) (\d{3}) ([^\r\n]*)=", $head, $matches);
$http["Status-Line"] = $matches[0];
$http["HTTP-Version"] = $matches[1];
$http["Status-Code"] = $matches[2];
$http["Reason-Phrase"] = $matches[3];if ($r) return $http["Status-Code"];
$rclass = array("Informational", "Success",
"Redirection", "Client Error",
"Server Error");
$http["Response-Class"] = $rclass[$http["Status-Code"][0] - 1];preg_match_all("=^(.+): ([^\r\n]*)=m", $head, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
foreach($matches as $line) $http[$line[1]] = $line[2];if ($http["Status-Code"][0] == 3)
$http["Location-Status-Code"] = phpLinkCheck($http["Location"], TRUE);return $http;
############Ende Funktion$var = phpLinkCheck("http://forum.de.selfhtml.org/");
print $var[Status-Code];?>
Hat jemand ne Idee??
Sind bestimmt noch mehr Fehler drin.
Liebe Grüße aus http://www.braunschweig.de
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