Nevertheless will ich keinen Redirect durchführen müssen. Das wäre nur die letzte Lösung. Es muss doch eine andere Möglichkeit geben, gleich die richtige Seite auszuliefern (das tun wir ja) und in der Adressleiste dann auch dafür zu sorgen, dass der richtige URi drinsteht.
Du kannst mit dem HTTP-Header "Content-Location" experimentieren:
"14.14 Content-Location
The Content-Location entity-header field MAY be used to supply the resource location for the entity enclosed in the message when that entity is accessible from a location separate from the requested resource's URI. A server SHOULD provide a Content-Location for the variant corresponding to the response entity; especially in the case where a resource has multiple entities associated with it, and those entities actually have separate locations by which they might be individually accessed, the server SHOULD provide a Content-Location for the particular variant which is returned.
Content-Location = "Content-Location" ":"
( absoluteURI | relativeURI )
The value of Content-Location also defines the base URI for the entity.
The Content-Location value is not a replacement for the original requested URI; it is only a statement of the location of the resource corresponding to this particular entity at the time of the request. Future requests MAY specify the Content-Location URI as the request- URI if the desire is to identify the source of that particular entity.
A cache cannot assume that an entity with a Content-Location different from the URI used to retrieve it can be used to respond to later requests on that Content-Location URI. However, the Content- Location can be used to differentiate between multiple entities retrieved from a single requested resource, as described in section 13.6.
If the Content-Location is a relative URI, the relative URI is interpreted relative to the Request-URI.
The meaning of the Content-Location header in PUT or POST requests is undefined; servers are free to ignore it in those cases. "
- Sven Rautenberg
"Bei einer Geschichte gibt es immer vier Seiten: Deine Seite, ihre Seite, die Wahrheit und das, was wirklich passiert ist." (Rousseau)