Hi Udo,
ich versende es in folgender Form
<form action="mailto:Name@provider.de" method="post" enctype="text/plain" name="Formular">
und Du glaubst tatsächlich, daß jeder HTTP-Client, der Deine Seite anzeigt, auch gleichzeitig ein Mail-Client ist, der selbst Mails versenden kann?
Viele Grüße
T'Pol: I apologize if I acted inappropriately.
V'Lar: Not at all. In fact, your bluntness made me reconsider some of my positions. Much as it has now.
T'Pol: I apologize if I acted inappropriately.
V'Lar: Not at all. In fact, your bluntness made me reconsider some of my positions. Much as it has now.