Christian Kruse: Regulärer Ausdruck

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Hallo André,

es sei denn, man löst per Fragezeichen die Greediness auf.

Ähhmmm? Das sagt mir jetzt nichts.

perldoc -q greedy:

What does it mean that regexes are greedy?  How can I get around it?

Most people mean that greedy regexes match as much as they can.
  Technically speaking, it's actually the quantifiers ("?", "*",
  "+", "{}") that are greedy rather than the whole pattern; Perl
  prefers local greed and immediate gratification to overall greed.
  To get non-greedy versions of the same quantifiers, use ("??",
  "*?", "+?", "{}?").

An example:

$s1 = $s2 = "I am very very cold";
    $s1 =~ s/ve.*y //;      # I am cold
    $s2 =~ s/ve.*?y //;     # I am very cold

Notice how the second substitution stopped matching as soon as it
  encountered "y ".  The "*?" quantifier effectively tells the
  regular expression engine to find a match as quickly as possible
  and pass control on to whatever is next in line, like you would if
  you were playing hot potato.


Willst du die Freuden dieser Welt geniessen, so musst du auch ihr Leid erdulden.