nobody: ODBC to ODBC bridge

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das problem ist das der shop nicht mit mySQL kooperieren will frag mich nciht warum, es ist einfach so. es geht nicht.

was geht denn nicht?  mein auto fährt auch nicht! sag mir warum!!!

nene, das ist schon richtig, der Shop kann nicht mit mySQL betrieben werden, eine umstellung ist nicht möglich. eine umstellung auf MSSQL allerdings schon, die aktuelle version untersützt MSSQL sogar offiziell. ich vermute mal das hier irgendwelche microsoft eigenen dinge ein rolle spielen die sich mir nicht erschließen.

wenn dein shop 'ms-hardcodiert' hat (ist er von ms?)

es gibt einen 'odbc-server' für access. damit kann man dann die entfernte access via ip-port erreichen.

das klingt interessant

eben diesen 'odbc-server'. der ist gratis.

das klingt doch alles recht vielversprechend...wo bekomme ich dieses nette dingen denn? google wirft irgendwie nichts überzeugendes aus :(

google mal nach odbc socketserver

auszug aus install-doku:


Quick install instructions.  For full instructions please see the PDF manual.

Before you install ODBC Socket Server, be sure you have the following software:
-Windows NT Version 4 or higher

  • ADO libraries installed (included with higher service packs or the latest
    version can bedownloaded from

ODBC Socket server is a simple Windows NT Service.  To install it, perform the
following steps:
1. Unzip the ODBC Socket Server application into a directory on your server.
2. Run the following command via the run option on the Windows NT start
menu (or from a DOS box, whichever you prefer) <path to
ODBCSocketServer.exe>\ODBCSocketServer.exe /Service  For example, if you
installed ODBC Socket server to c:\ODBC, you would run the command
c:\ODBC\ODBCSocketServer.exe /Service  Running this command registers ODBC
Socket Server with Windows NT as a service
 If you get an error mentioning either a missing or ordinal problem with the
ATL.dll file then copy your existing atl.dll from your winnt\system32
directory to a back-up location. Now copy the atl.dll version included in
the ODBC Socket Server distribution (in the base directory) into your
winnt\system32 directory. Last, register this dll via the command
"regsvr32 c:\winnt\sytem32\atl.dll" (assuming that is where your  atl.dll
is located). You should now be able to register ODBCSocketServer.exe
via the "ODBCSocketServer.exe /Service" command with no problems.
3. To enter information about ODBC Socket Server into the database for
configuration,open the Windows NT Explorer and navigate to the directory where
you unzipped ODBC Socket Server.  In this path there is a file called
Registry.reg .  Double-click on this file from NT explorer to enter the
default configuration
4. Using the control panel, open up the services dialog and start the
ODBC Socket Server Service.If you would like ODBC Socket Server to
automatically start each time Windows NT starts, press the Startup button and
select the Automatic option.
5.  It is highly recommended that after install and testing, you adjust
the registry settings as described in the PDF Manual.

That s all!  Now, to test ODBC Socket Server, you must first  create an ODBC
System Data Source on your Windows NT Machine or use an existing OLEDB Provider.
To create an ODBC System Data Source, follow these steps:

1. On the Start menu, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
2. Double-click ODBC.
3. Click System DSN and then click Add.
4. Click the type of data source you would like to add; then click Finish.
5. Complete the steps in the Create a New Data Source to SQL Server Wizard.

Once an ODBC data source has been created, you can now test a  query.  To
test the query, we will use the sample client application the came with ODBC
Socket Server. To use the test client application, perform the following steps:

1. Register the ODBC Socket Server Client COM DLL.  To  do this, run the
followingcommand via the run option on the Windows NT start menu (or from a
DOS box, whichever you prefer) regsvr32.exe <path to
For example, if you installed ODBC Socket server to c:\ODBC, you would run
the command regsvr32.exe c:\ODBC\clients\COM\ODBCClient.dll  In case your
path is not setup correctly, regsvr32.exe lies in your Windows system32
2. Start the COM sample application, SockTest.exe (in the
same directory asODBCClient.dll).
3. Enter the IP address, a valid ODBC connection string, and some SQL to
execute.  Inthe available text boxes.  Examples of valid ODBC connection
strings include  DSN=Pubs;UID=smith;PWD=muffins;  provided you have created an
ODBC data source named Pubs on the ODBC Socket Server machine.  Examples of
valid SQL include  SELECT * FROM authors
4. Click on the ExecSQL button to execute this SQL.
5. The results of your query should now appear in the results pane.  If
you don t see anyresults or the application times out, check the NT event log
on both the ODBC Socket Server machine and the machine you are running this
test application on. Be sure to check the Application event log!
The error messages in this log should help you diagnose your problem.  If you
are still having trouble, e-mail the authors at with details of
your problems. settings into your registry.  A precise description of these
settings is provided later on in this documentation.