wahsaga: Win XP SP2 und webdesign

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bin dank heise-verlinkung gerade mal über http://msdn.microsoft.com/security/productinfo/xpsp2/default.aspx?pull=%2Flibrary%2Fen-us%2Fdnwxp%2Fhtml%2Fxpsp2websites.asp gestolpert,

"How to Make Your Web Site Work with Windows XP Service Pack 2"

da stehen ja offenbar ein paar kleine, aber feine änderungen ins haus.

Q: Does your Web site contain files with file types that do not match their Content-Type and/or file extension?
A: You should correct all of these mismatches. Both the Content-Type and the file extension must match the type of the file for a download prompt to appear. Be sure this is true for your Web pages as well. If the Content-Type is plain/text, then they will not render as HTML.

auf letzteres bin ich besonders gespannt.

frag sich nur, ob das für mit korrektem content type ausgelieferte XHTML-seiten auch weiterhin gelten wird.

Does your site use pop-up windows?
Q: Does your site use the window.createPopup() method?
A: This method has been restricted to allow only one pop-up window per page.

Q: What does Internet Explorer consider a pop-up window?
Internet Explorer will attempt to block any window opened automatically from:

A script, with the exception of createPopup().
Modal and modeless dialogs.
DHTML elements overlapping content on the page

insbesondere letzteres dürfte interessant werden - das könnte wohl bei einigen javascript-aufklappmenüs problem-potential in sich bergen.

Q: Does your Web site launch pop-up windows through other objects (e.g., Macromedia Flash movies)?
A: These pop-up blocker blocks these pop-up windows. There is no workaround.

ups *eg*

danach wird's allerdings ziemlich unsinnig, was microsoft so an weiteren ratschlägen in bezug auf popups abgibt:

Expect the status bar to be present, and write code for it. The status bar will be on by default and is 20-25 pixels in height.
Adjust your window's size and content so it will fit well visually with the window's overall size. The window will not cover the taskbar, so it may lose 40 pixels if the status bar is on and the taskbar is not accounted for. Vertically size the window no more than 30 pixels outside the taskbar.
