sorry, ist aber sehr lang!? Danke für die Antwort.
Normalsub=new Image();
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Highlight11.src = "/images/bibliothek_sub_e.gif"; /* Hier Highlight-Grafik angeben */
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Highlight4.src = "/images/about_active_e.gif"; /* Hier Highlight-Grafik angeben */
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Highlight41.src = "/images/about_sub_e.gif"; /* Hier Highlight-Grafik angeben */
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Normal5.src = "/images/myeth_e.gif"; /* Hier Standard-Grafik angeben */
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Highlight5.src = "/images/myeth_active_e.gif"; /* Hier Highlight-Grafik angeben */
Highlight51 = new Image();
Highlight51.src = "/images/myeth_sub_e.gif"; /* Hier Highlight-Grafik angeben */
Normal6 = new Image();
Normal6.src = "/images/contacts_e.gif"; /* Hier Standard-Grafik angeben */
Highlight6 = new Image();
Highlight6.src = "/images/kontakte_active_e.gif"; /* Hier Highlight-Grafik angeben */
Highlight61 = new Image();
Highlight61.src = "/images/kontakte_sub_e.gif"; /* Hier Highlight-Grafik angeben */
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//viewing stuff... first hide all the gifs then show the right one
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alert('Bitte geben Sie einen Suchbegriff ein ...');
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