Steffi Pfahler: div 100% abzgl. rand

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synscroll.js beinhaltet folgendes:

// This is a function that returns a function that is used
// in the event listener
function getOnScrollFunction(oElement) {
        return function () {
                if (oElement._scrollSyncDirection == "horizontal" || oElement._scrollSyncDirection == "both")
                        oElement.scrollLeft = event.srcElement.scrollLeft;
                if (oElement._scrollSyncDirection == "vertical" || oElement._scrollSyncDirection == "both")
                        oElement.scrollTop = event.srcElement.scrollTop;

// This function adds scroll syncronization for the fromElement to the toElement
// this means that the fromElement will be updated when the toElement is scrolled
function addScrollSynchronization(fromElement, toElement, direction) {

fromElement._syncScroll = getOnScrollFunction(fromElement);
        fromElement._scrollSyncDirection = direction;
        fromElement._syncTo = toElement;
        toElement.attachEvent("onscroll", fromElement._syncScroll);

// removes the scroll synchronization for an element
function removeScrollSynchronization(fromElement) {
        if (fromElement._syncTo != null)
                fromElement._syncTo.detachEvent("onscroll", fromElement._syncScroll);

fromElement._syncTo = null;;
        fromElement._syncScroll = null;
        fromElement._scrollSyncDirection = null;