Biesterfeld: Getting Available Free Disk Space

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In my honest opinion this really sucks.. I mean: where the
hell is the platform-independency in Java they touted so
loud every time?

You have to look at it the other way around: Because they want it to be a platform-independent the developers turned such options down. Consider a coffee machine having a Java-VM running on it, what would a method getFreeDiskSpace() be good for?

Java was from the very first not intended to target any platform. For this intention other languages like C or C++ exist. You should consider anyways, if Java is the right choice for your project, if you need such functionality.

However, as we found out allready, Java is still not at the end of the developing process and with the Mustang-release such functions will be provided. Till then you will have to use workarounds.


"Nein! ... Nein, schneller, leichter, verführerischer die dunkle Seite ist."