Hallo! Ich habe nen Kalender gefunden, der mir gefällt. Hab ihn eingebaut und dabei einen Fehler entdeckt. Folgendes: Ansich funktioniert er - denke ich - einwandfrei. Nur jetzt hat er ein Problem
wenn ihr den mal anklickt, ist soweit alles okay. Wenn ich jetzt einen Termin anklicke, das sind die rosa hinterlegten Daten, öffnet ein Popup. Hier kommt jetzt der Fehler: Statt September erscheint jetzt im Popup oben Oktober. Mir fehlen die Programmierkenntnisse um zu sehen, woran das liegt. Habt ihr ne Idee? Hier der Quellcode der calendar.php:
Besten Dank und Gruß!!!
... // /////////////////////////////////////////////
///////////////////////////////////////////// //Load the language into usable variables //
//darussol: TRANSLATION (18 May 2004) // : Fill in the names of the days/months in variables //e-man : LOAD TRANSLATION FILE INTO VARIABLES (from darussol)(19 May 2004) // : Put the days/months names from language file into a array
$language_file = "calendar." . $calendar_language; //Language file into variable $fd = fopen( $language_file, "r" ); //Open the language file $fd = fread( $fd, filesize( $language_file ) ); //Read the opened file $language_array = explode( "\n" , $fd ); //Put file info into array
$dayname = array_slice($language_array,0,7); //The names of the days
$monthname = array_slice($language_array,7); //The rest of the language file are the monthnames // /////////////////////////////////////////////
///////////////////////////////////////////// //Use the date to build up the calendar. From the Query_string or the current date // if( isset( $_GET['date'] ) ) list($month,$year) = explode("-",$_GET['date']); else { $month = date("m"); $year = date("Y"); } // /////////////////////////////////////////////
$date_string = mktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year); //The date string we need for some info... saves space ^_^
$day_start = date("w",$date_string); //The number of the 1st day of the week
///////////////////////////////////////////// //Filter the current $_GET['date'] from the QUERY_STRING // $QUERY_STRING = ereg_replace("&date=".$month."-".$year,"",$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); // /////////////////////////////////////////////
///////////////////////////////////////////// //Calculate the previous/next month/year // if( $month < 12 ) { $next_month = $month+1; $next_date = $next_month."-".$year; } else { $next_year = $year+1; $next_date = "1-".$next_year; $next_month = 1; } if( $month > 1 ) { $previous_month = $month-1; $next_month = $month+1; $previous_date = $previous_month."-".$year; } else { $previous_year = $year-1; $previous_date = "12-".$previous_year; $previous_month = 12; } // /////////////////////////////////////////////
// darussol: DEFINITION OF THETRANSLATED MONTH+YEAR TO BE USED IN THE TABLE AND INFO-TITLES (18 May 2004) // e-man : USING THE VALUES OF THE PREVIOUS AND NEXT MONTH FOR THE TITLE DAY (19 May 2004); $table_caption_prev = $monthname[$previous_month-1] . " " . $year; // previous $table_caption = $monthname[date("n",$date_string)-1] . " " . $year; // current if ($next_month == 13){ $next_month = 1; $year++; } $table_caption_foll = $monthname[$next_month-1] . " " . $year; // following
///////////////////////////////////////////// //Print the calendar css code // echo " <style type="text/css"> a.cal_head { color: " . $head_link_color . "; } a.cal_head:hover { text-decoration: none; } .cal_head { background-color: " . $head_background_color . "; color: " . $head_font_color . "; font-family: " . $font_family . "; font-size: " . $head_font_size . "; font-weight: " . $head_font_weight . "; font-style: " . $head_font_style . "; } .cal_days /darussol/ { background-color: " . $days_head_background_color . "; color: " . $days_head_font_color . "; font-family: " . $font_family . "; font-size: " . $days_head_font_size . "; font-weight: " . $days_head_font_weight . "; font-style: " . $days_head_font_style . "; } .cal_content { background-color: " . $content_background_color . "; color: " . $content_font_color . "; font-family: " . $font_family . "; font-size: " . $content_font_size . "; font-weight: " . $content_font_weight . "; font-style: " . $content_font_style . "; } .cal_today { background-color: " . $today_background_color . "; color: " . $today_font_color . "; font-family: " . $font_family . "; font-size: " . $today_font_size . "; font-weight: " . $today_font_weight . "; font-style: " . $today_font_style . "; } .cal_event, a.cal_event /* e-man 17-06-04 */ { background-color: " . $event_background_color . "; color: " . $event_font_color . "; font-family: " . $font_family . "; font-size: " . $event_font_size . "; font-weight: " . $event_font_weight . "; font-style: " . $event_font_style . "; } </style> "; // /////////////////////////////////////////////
///////////////////////////////////////////// //show events in popup? // if (isset ($_GET['show_event'])){ list ($year, $month, $day) = explode ("-", $_GET['event_date']); $query = " SELECT * FROM " . $event_table . " WHERE EventYear = '" . $year . "' AND EventMonth = '" . $month . "' AND EventDay = '" . $day . "' ORDER BY EventTime ASC ";
/* connect to the database */ $database_connection = mysql_connect ($server, $username, $password); mysql_select_db ($database, $database_connection); $result = mysql_query ($query) or die(mysql_error());
/* initize the variabele color_alternated (boolean) */ $color_alternated = false;
/* header of the table */ echo "<table width="100%" border="" . $table_border . "" cellpadding="" . $table_cellpadding . "" cellspacing="" . $table_cellspacing . "">";
$date_string = mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day,$year); $month = sprintf("%01d",$month);
echo "<tr><td align="center" class="cal_head" colspan="2">".$day." " . $monthname[$month] . " ".$year."</td></tr>";
/* loop through the results via a mysql_fetch_assoc () / while ($record = mysql_fetch_assoc ($result)){ if ($color_alternated){ $color_alternated = false; $background_color_row = $event_background_color; } else{ $color_alternated = true; $background_color_row = $event_background_color2; } echo "<tr class="cal_event"> <td style="background-color:".$background_color_row."" width="1">" . $record['EventTime'] . "</td> <td style="background-color:".$background_color_row."">" . nl2br($record['Event']) . "</td> </tr>"; } / close the table */ echo "</table>";
/* bring an exit so the script will terminate*/ exit; } // /////////////////////////////////////////////
///////////////////////////////////////////// //Print the calendar table header // echo " <script language="javascript"> function open_event(date_stamp){ window.open("" . $calendar_script . "?show_event=true&event_date=" + date_stamp, "calendar_popup","height=" . $event_popup_height . ",width=".$event_popup_width.""); } </script> <table border="" . $table_border . "" cellpadding="" . $table_cellpadding . "" cellspacing="" . $table_cellspacing . "" style="height:" . $table_height . "" width="" . $table_width . ""> <tr> <td align="center" class="cal_head"><a class="cal_head" href="" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?" . $QUERY_STRING . "&date=" . $previous_date . "" title="" . $table_caption_prev . "">«</a></td> <td align="center" class="cal_head" colspan="5">" . $table_caption . "</td> <td align="center" class="cal_head"><a class="cal_head" href="" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?" . $QUERY_STRING . "&date=" . $next_date . "" title="" . $table_caption_foll . "">»</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="cal_days">".$dayname[0]."</td> <td class="cal_days">".$dayname[1]."</td> <td class="cal_days">".$dayname[2]."</td> <td class="cal_days">".$dayname[3]."</td> <td class="cal_days">".$dayname[4]."</td> <td class="cal_days">".$dayname[5]."</td> <td class="cal_days">".$dayname[6]."</td> </tr><tr> "; // /////////////////////////////////////////////
///////////////////////////////////////////// //The empty columns before the 1st day of the week // for( $i = 0 ; $i < $day_start; $i++ ) { echo "<td class="cal_content"> </td>"; } // /////////////////////////////////////////////
$current_position = $day_start; //The current (column) position of the current day from the loop
$total_days_in_month = date("t",$date_string); //The total days in the month for the end of the loop
///////////////////////////////////////////// //Retrieve events for the current month + year //e-man : added 07 June 04 if ($events_from_database) { $database_connection = mysql_connect ($server, $username, $password); mysql_select_db ($database, $database_connection); $result = mysql_query(" SELECT * FROM " . $event_table . " WHERE EventYear = '" . $year . "' AND EventMonth = '" . $month . "' "); while ($record = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){ $event[$record['EventDay']] = $record; } } // /////////////////////////////////////////////
///////////////////////////////////////////// //Loop all the days from the month // for( $i = 1; $i <= $total_days_in_month ; $i++) { $class = "cal_content";
if( $i == date("j") && $month == date("n") && $year == date("Y") ) $class = "cal_today";
/* is there any event on this day? Yes, create a link. No clear the (previous) string */ $link_start = ""; $link_end = "";
/* if there is an event do */ if( isset($event[$i]) ) { $link_start = "<a href="javascript:;" class="cal_event" onclick="javascript: open_event('".$year."-".$month."-".$i."');">"; $link_end = "</a>"; $class = "cal_event"; }
/* for the event filter / / e-man : added 07 June 04 */ $date_stamp = $year."-".$month."-".sprintf( "%02d",$i);
echo "<td align="center" class="" . $class . "">" . $link_start . $i . $link_end . "</td>"; if( $current_position == 7 ) { echo "</tr><tr>\n"; $current_position = 0; } } // /////////////////////////////////////////////
$end_day = 7-$current_position; //There are
///////////////////////////////////////////// //Fill the last columns // for( $i = 0 ; $i < $end_day ; $i++ ) echo "<td class="cal_content"></td>\n"; // /////////////////////////////////////////////
echo "</tr></table>"; // Close the table ?>