Hab versucht, diese [Tabellen] einzeln in Span-Tags zu packen
Keine gute Idee. In span dürfen keine Blockelemente wie Tabellen vorkommen.
Allerdings bekomme ich damit noch keinen Blocksatz hin.
Mir ist nicht ganz klar, was du eigentlich willst. Eine Tabelle am linken Rand, eine am rechten? Sind es noch mehr Tabellen?
I never intended HTML source code (the stuff with the angle brackets) to be seen by users. […] To my surprise, people quickly became familiar with the tags and started writing their own HTML documents directly. (Tim Berners-Lee in Weaving the Web)
I never intended HTML source code (the stuff with the angle brackets) to be seen by users. […] To my surprise, people quickly became familiar with the tags and started writing their own HTML documents directly. (Tim Berners-Lee in Weaving the Web)