Hi Catweazle!
wer weiß warum mein favicon im IE7 nicht läuft. habe verschiedene codes ausprobiert, keiner geht.. mozilla und opera machen munter mit.
Was sind "verschiedene Codes"?
In welcher Größe hast du das Favicon gespeichert?
Wo kann man ein Beispiel dazu sehen?
MfG H☼psel
"It's amazing I won. I was running against peace, prosperity, and incumbency."
George W. Bush speaking to Swedish Prime Minister unaware a live television camera was still rolling, June 14, 2001
Selfcode: ie:% fl:( br:> va:) ls:& fo:) rl:? n4:& ss:| de:] js:| ch:? sh:( mo:) zu:)
"It's amazing I won. I was running against peace, prosperity, and incumbency."
George W. Bush speaking to Swedish Prime Minister unaware a live television camera was still rolling, June 14, 2001
Selfcode: ie:% fl:( br:> va:) ls:& fo:) rl:? n4:& ss:| de:] js:| ch:? sh:( mo:) zu:)