hätte mich schon interessiert was das für eine Funktion ist.
ist nichts besonderes.... copy paste sache hald...
man muss das Rad ja nicht 2 mal erfinden ;)
sub dec2hex {
# parameter passed to
# the subfunction
my $decnum = $_[0];
# the final hex number
my $hexnum;
my $tempval;
return "00" if( $decnum == 0 );
while ($decnum != 0) {
# get the remainder (modulus function)
# by dividing by 16
$tempval = $decnum % 16;
# convert to the appropriate letter
# if the value is greater than 9
if ($tempval > 9)
$tempval = chr($tempval + 55);
# 'concatenate' the number to
# what we have so far in what will
# be the final variable $hexnum = $tempval . $hexnum ;
# new actually divide by 16, and
# keep the integer value of the
# answer
$decnum = int($decnum / 16);
# if we cant divide by 16, this is the
# last step
if ($decnum < 16)
# convert to letters again..
if ($decnum > 9)
$decnum = chr($decnum + 55);
# add this onto the final answer..
# reset decnum variable to zero so loop
# will exit
$hexnum = $decnum . $hexnum;
$decnum = 0
return $hexnum;
} # end sub