Der Manuel: Bilder-Überblendung für IE und Mozilla

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Hallo zusammen,

ich hab ein kleines Script gebastelt, das Bilder überblenden kann und bei Internet Explorer >= 4.0 und Firefox >= 1.5 funktioniert.
Falls es jemand verwenden möchte, nur zu!


 <style type="text/css">
 #overlay { position:absolute; top:10px; left:100px; width:900px; height:150px; z-index:4; }
 #animation1 { position:absolute; top:10px; left:100px; width:900px; height:150px; z-index:2; }
 #animation2 { position:absolute; top:10px; left:100px; width:900px; height:150px; z-index:3; }
 #status { position:absolute; top:200px; left:100px; width:900px; height:150px;}

<script type="text/javascript">
 // config stuff
 var image_time = 3000; // show the images for X ms time
 var fade_time = 1000; // fade animation takes X ms time
 var fade_steps = 10; // devide fade animation into X steps

// images to show
 var images = new Array();
 var i = 0;
 images[i] = new Image(); images[i].src = "images/image1.jpg"; i++;
 images[i] = new Image(); images[i].src = "images/image2.png"; i++;
 images[i] = new Image(); images[i].src = "images/image3.jpg"; i++;

f = 0;
 i = images.length-1;

blank = new Image();
 blank.src = "images/blank.png";

var status;
 var animation1;
 var animation2;
 var fadein;
 var fadeout;

var isMozilla = false;
 var isIE = false;
 var init = false;

function init_function() {
  status = document.getElementById("status").firstChild;
  animation1 = document.images["animation1"];
  animation2 = document.images["animation2"];
  fadein = animation1;
  fadeout = animation2;

if (!=null)
   isMozilla = true;
  else if ( != null) {
   isIE = true;

function setAlpha(element, value) {
  if (isMozilla) { = value/100;
  if (isIE) { = "Alpha(opacity="+value+")";

function Animation() {
  if (!init) {
   init = true;

// change images?
  if (f == fade_steps) {
   i = (i+1)%images.length;
   f = 0;

// find correct image order
   if ((i % 2) == 0) {
    fadein = animation1;
    fadeout = animation2;
   else {
    fadein = animation2;
    fadeout = animation1;

if (isIE || isMozilla) {
    fadeout.src = images[(i+3)%3].src;
    fadein.src = images[(i+4)%3].src;

// change alpha values
    setAlpha(fadein, 0);
    setAlpha(fadeout, 100);

/*status.nodeValue += "----------------------------------------------\r\n"+
     "fade in: "+fadein.src+" ""\r\n"+
     "fade out: "+fadeout.src+" ""\r\n";*/
    //status.nodeValue += ((i+3)%3)+" => "+((i+4)%3)+"\r\n";
    window.setTimeout("Animation()", image_time);
  else {
   // continue/start fading...

// change alpha value
   var value = f*(100/fade_steps);
   setAlpha(fadein, value);
   setAlpha(fadeout, 100-value)

/*status.nodeValue += "f="+f+"\r\n"+
   "fade in: "+fadein.src+" ""\r\n"+
   "fade out: "+fadeout.src+" ""\r\n";*/
   window.setTimeout("Animation()", fade_time/fade_steps);

window.setTimeout("Animation()", 3000)

<body bgcolor="#000000">
 <img id="animation1" src="images/image1.jpg" />
 <img id="animation2" src="images/image3.jpg" />

<pre id="status" style="color: white;"> </pre>