Horst: Perl sort hexnumber

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kann mir jemand verraten, wie ich hexadezimal sortieren kann mit perl?

hex() ist Dein Freund:

hex EXPR
    hex     Interprets EXPR as a hex string and returns the corresponding
            value. (To convert strings that might start with either 0, 0x,
            or 0b, see the oct entry elsewhere in this document.) If EXPR is
            omitted, uses "$_".

print hex '0xAf'; # prints '175'
                print hex 'aF';   # same

Hex strings may only represent integers. Strings that would
            cause integer overflow trigger a warning.

so also
sort { hex($a) <=> hex($b) } @hexn_array

Viele Grüße,
Horst Haselhuhn