PM: Neue absatz wird nicht generiert

Beitrag lesen

Hallo zusammen,

folg Problem bitte: ich wollte ein dynamic text haben und hab hier den passende script gefunden:

Alles schon und gut, funkt auch bis auf den prolem absatz; bilder und texte kommen alle (wenn nicht geoffnet) neben ein andere sozusagen stufenweise.
Anbei der Hinhalt: wo ist bitte den Fehler ?


<style type="text/css">

/*Style sheet used for demo. Remove if desired*/

<meta name="author" content="">
<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000CC" alink="#0000CC" vlink="#0000CC">
<div><h5><a style="text-decoration:none" href="javascript:bobexample.sweepToggle('contract')">Contract</a> | <a style="text-decoration:none" href="javascript:bobexample.sweepToggle('expand')">Expand</a></div></h5>

<h3 id="bobcontent1-title" class="handcursor"><img src="../img/Kopie von stockxpertcom_id476617_size1.jpg" width="120" height="100"align="left" vspace="1" hspace="5">Projekt <b>„XXXXXX“</b> bei XXXXX </h3>
<div id="bobcontent1" class="switchgroup1">
bla bla bla blabla

<h3 id="bobcontent2-title" class="handcursor"><img src="../img/stockxpertcom_id820002_size1.jpg" width="130" height="80"align="left" vspace="1" hspace="5">Projekt <b>„XXX“</b> XXXX </h3>
<div id="bobcontent2" class="switchgroup1">
bla bla bla blabla

<h3 id="bobcontent3-title" class="handcursor"><img src="../img/fotolia_4650402.jpg" width="90" height="120"align="left" vspace="1" hspace="5">Projekt <b>"xxx"</b> XXXXXXX <p></h3>
<div id="bobcontent3" class="switchgroup1">
 bla bla bla blabla


<script type="text/javascript">
//   MAIN FUNCTION: new switchcontent("class name", "[optional_element_type_to_scan_for]") REQUIRED
//1) Instance.setStatus(openHTML, closedHTML)- Sets optional HTML to prefix the headers to indicate open/closed states
//2) Instance.setColor(openheaderColor, closedheaderColor)- Sets optional color of header when it's open/closed
//3) Instance.setPersist(true/false)- Enables or disabled session only persistence (recall contents' expand/contract states)
//4) Instance.collapsePrevious(true/false)- Sets whether previous content should be contracted when current one is expanded
//5) Instance.defaultExpanded(indices)- Sets contents that should be expanded by default (ie: 0, 1). Persistence feature overrides this setting!
//6) Instance.init() REQUIRED

var bobexample=new switchcontent("switchgroup1", "div") //Limit scanning of switch contents to just "div" elements
bobexample.setColor('darkred', 'black')
bobexample.collapsePrevious(true) //Only one content open at any given time

<script type="text/javascript">

var joeexample=new switchcontent("switchgroup2", "p") //Limit scanning of switch contents to just "p" elements
joeexample.setStatus('[open] ', '[closed] ')
joeexample.setColor('green', 'red')
joeexample.collapsePrevious(false) //Allow more than 1 content to be open simultanously