hallo again in die runde,
na sauber - ausgerechnet bei der kernfunktionalitaet des
gesamten build-prozesses mache ich 'nen copy-paste-fehler.
> return {
> importData: (function (obj) {
> slideshowData = obj;
> //console.log("SlideshowGenerator :: importData :: slideshowData.dump() : " + [link:http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/docs/YAHOO.lang.html#method_dump@title=Lang.dump](slideshowData)); // YUI-lib;
> console.log("SlideshowGenerator :: importData - slideshowData.dump() : " + slideshowData.toSource());
> console.log("SlideshowGenerator :: importData - (SlideshowGenerator.importData === arguments.callee) ? " + (SlideshowGenerator.importData === arguments.callee));
> delete Application.importSlideShowData;
> delete SlideshowGenerator.importData;
> delete arguments.callee;
> }),
> initialize: (function (elm) {
> //Array.forEach(Dom.getElementsByClassName("slideshow", "div", elmResults), (function (elm, idx/*, arr*/) {
//Array.forEach(Dom.getElementsByClassName("slideshow", "div", elmBody), (function (elm, idx/*, arr*/) { // YUI-lib;
Array.forEach(Node.getElementsByClassNames(elmBody, "slideshow"), (function (elm, idx/*, arr*/) { // [jsApi.bundles.DOM.getters.js]
> slideshowList.push(new Slideshow(elm, idx));
> }));
> console.log("SlideshowGenerator - Application.importSlideShowData : " + Application.importSlideShowData);
> console.log("SlideshowGenerator :: importData : " + SlideshowGenerator.importData);
> delete SlideshowGenerator.initialize;
> delete arguments.callee;
> })
> };
so long - peterS. - pseliger@gmx.net
»Because objects in JavaScript are so flexible, you will want to think differently about class hierarchies.
Deep hierarchies are inappropriate. Shallow hierarchies are efficient and expressive.« - Douglas Crockford
ie:( fl:) br:> va:( ls:& fo:) rl:) n3;} n4:} ss:} de:µ js:} mo:? zu:]
»Because objects in JavaScript are so flexible, you will want to think differently about class hierarchies.
Deep hierarchies are inappropriate. Shallow hierarchies are efficient and expressive.« - Douglas Crockford
ie:( fl:) br:> va:( ls:& fo:) rl:) n3;} n4:} ss:} de:µ js:} mo:? zu:]