Daniel_P: Bekomme WebBBS-Forum nicht ans Laufen!

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Habe noch mal in der WebBBS-Dokumentation nachgeschaut.

Da steht z. B.:

$dir:  The absolute path (minus a trailing slash) of the directory
in which all the WebBBS data files are to be stored.  This directory
must be set world-writable, or else WebBBS won’t be able to use it!
Your data directory, by the way, should *not* be located within
your CGI-BIN directory.  Even if your server allows it — which
many don’t — locating a world-writable directory and world-
writable files within your CGI-BIN is an unacceptable (and
unnecessary) security risk.

In meiner pl-Datei steht:

$dir = "cgi-bin/forum";

Könnte es daran liegen? Wie sähe der "absolute path" aus?
http://www.meineseite.de/cgi-bin/....... ??