Oh, das war der alte Ausdruck, so weit bin ich aber
print preg_replace("/([^[]'|'[^]])/", '’', $string);
Du brauchst Assertions, genauer (negative) Lookahead- und Lookbehind-Assertions, um dein ' nur zu finden, wenn davor kein [ und dahinter kein ] steht:
print preg_replace("/(?<!\[)'(?!\])/", '’', $string);
MfG ChrisB
"The Internet: Technological marvel of marvels - but if you don't know *what* you're lookin' for on the Internet, it is nothing but a time-sucking vortex from hell."
"The Internet: Technological marvel of marvels - but if you don't know *what* you're lookin' for on the Internet, it is nothing but a time-sucking vortex from hell."