Hallo Leute,
stehe vor einem Problem. Habe folgende Aufgabenstellung, wo ich nicht so ganz draufkomme. Bitte um eure Hilfe und Hinweise.
"In the course of this assignment you are to identify pages that use Google Analytics by logging calls to the Google Analytics engine. In order to do so, you will have to somehow intercept calls to urchin.js by your browser.
Set up your computer so that when surfing to any page that uses Google Analytics, the Google Analytics script (urchin.js) is not called, but instead a local .js File (that your local Web sever hosts).
What you need to do:
1- Change something so that your browser does not go to the real Google Analytics Script.
2- Install a Web server locally.
3- Write your own urchin.js script that logs (or displays) when a page tries to use this script.
4- Make sure that your browser calls your script instead of Google's. "
Bitte um eure Hilfe!