Hellihello Zusammen,
brauch ich nicht einen char*** um den Parameter zu manipulieren?
Ich habe versucht, das Problem zu isolieren:
* get adress of pointer of strings (char**)
* and fill with a little content.
* parameter mystrings ist actually "&mystrings", adress of mystring
int fillList(void* mystrings) {
//pointer to pointer of strings, to manipulate the content under the given adress
char*** mystrings_tmp;
// pointing to passed adress of mystrings
mystrings_tmp = mystrings;
//gibt some size for memory
int mysize = 5;
printf("----start fillList\n");
printf("----before malloc\n");
// some controlling/comparing of adresses and content
printf("fillList: adresse &mystrings = %p\n", &mystrings);
printf("fillList: adresse mystrings = %p\n", mystrings);
printf("fillList: adresse &mystrings_tmp = %p\n", &mystrings_tmp);
printf("fillList: adresse mystrings_tmp = %p\n", mystrings_tmp);
printf("fillList: adresse mystrings_tmp[0] = %p\n", mystrings_tmp[0]);
// set the conent of mystring_tmp[0], which is
// to some memory (in this case space for 5 pointer to char*, only two used in example
mystrings_tmp[0] = (char**) malloc(mysize * sizeof(char*));
// controlling again adresses and content
printf("----after malloc\n");
printf("fillList: adresse &mystrings = %p\n", &mystrings);
printf("fillList: adresse mystrings = %p\n", mystrings);
printf("fillList: adresse &mystrings_tmp = %p\n", &mystrings_tmp);
printf("fillList: adresse mystrings_tmp = %p\n", mystrings_tmp);
printf("fillList: adresse mystrings_tmp[0] = %p\n", mystrings_tmp[0]);
//allocating memoryspace for two strings with maxlength of 4 chars (mysize = 5 incl. \0)
//setting both with some values:
mystrings_tmp[0][0] = (char*) malloc(mysize * sizeof(char*));
strcpy(mystrings_tmp[0][0], "abcd");
mystrings_tmp[0][1] = (char*) malloc(mysize * sizeof(char*));
strcpy(mystrings_tmp[0][1], "hijk");
printf("----end fillList\n");
int main() {
//my string list - empty, not initialized
char** mystrings;
//check Adress of var and content
printf("main: adresse &mystrings = %p\n", &mystrings);
printf("main: adresse mystrings = %p\n", mystrings);
printf("call fillList\n");
// call fillList passing adress of mystrings:
//check Adress of var and content afterwards:
printf("main: adresse &mystrings = %p\n", &mystrings);
printf("main: adresse mystrings = %p\n", mystrings);
// testing output should b : abcd and hijk
printf("main: content mystrings[0] = %s\n", mystrings[0]);
printf("main: content mystrings[1] = %s\n", mystrings[1]);
//free allocated space
main: adresse &mystrings = 0x22cce4
main: adresse mystrings = 0x401560
call fillList
----start fillList
----before malloc
fillList: adresse &mystrings = 0x22ccc0
fillList: adresse mystrings = 0x22cce4
fillList: adresse &mystrings_tmp = 0x22ccb0
fillList: adresse mystrings_tmp = 0x22cce4
fillList: adresse mystrings_tmp[0] = 0x401560
----after malloc
fillList: adresse &mystrings = 0x22ccc0
fillList: adresse mystrings = 0x22cce4
fillList: adresse &mystrings_tmp = 0x22ccb0
fillList: adresse mystrings_tmp = 0x22cce4
fillList: adresse mystrings_tmp[0] = 0x670160
----end fillList
main: adresse &mystrings = 0x22cce4
main: adresse mystrings = 0x670160
main: content mystrings[0] = abcd
main: content mystrings[1] = hijk
was erstmal so ausschaut, als würde es stimmen...;
Frage nur, ob das von hinten durch die Brust ins Auge oder ob das einfacher gingen...;
Dank und Gruß,