Beat: chmod auf fernem Server

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use strict;  
use warnings;  
use constant { NL => "\n", CRLF => "\015\012"};  
	use CGI::Carp qw(carpout);  
	open(LOG, ">","error.txt")  or die "Unable to append to error.txt: $!\n";  
use Cwd;  
my $cwd = getcwd();  
my $cf = $cwd.'/'.'chmod.txt';  
my $report;  
$report .= 'CWD is: '.$cwd.NL.NL;  
$report .= test($cwd,'');  
$report .= NL;  
foreach( 0777, 0606, 0404,0777 ){  
	$report .= chm($cf, 0777);  
	$report .= test($cf,'');  
print "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1",CRLF,CRLF,  
sub chm{  
	my $report;  
	$_[0] or return( "Need a File or Folder!".NL );  
	$_[1] or return( "Need a Octalnumber!".NL );  
	chmod( $_[1], $_[0] )  
		or return(  
			NL.sprintf("FAILURE chmod %o on %s because of %s", $_[1],$_[0], "$!" ).NL  
	$report .= sprintf("SUCCESS chmod %o on %s", $_[1],$_[0] ).NL;  
	return $report;  
sub test{  
	my $report;  
	$_[0] or return( "Need a File or Folder!".NL );  
	$_[1] and $report .= $_[1].NL;  
	(-e $_[0]) and $report .= "exists ". $_[0].NL;  
	(-r $_[0]) and $report .= "can read ". $_[0].NL;  
	(-w $_[0]) and $report .= "can write ". $_[0].NL;  
	(-e $_[0]) and $report .= "can execute ". $_[0].NL;  
	my $mode = ( stat($_[0]) )[2];  
    $report .= sprintf( "Permissions are %04o\n",$mode & 07777 ).NL;  
	return $report;  

PS keinen Bock auf -T