levu: csv- oder txt-Dateien mit den Filesystem Functions?

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Es gibt ein paar vorgefertigte Funktionen dafuer, wie fgetcsv/fputcsv, die es einem etwas einfacher machen, CSV-Dateien einzulesen bzw. CSV-Datensaetze wegzuschreiben.

Ich habe auch mal einige Klassen zum Thema CSV geschrieben. es gibt zwar keine Doku, aber ich poste sie mal und fragen beantworte ich gerne:

Die Vorteile dieser Klasse:

  • Du kannst (theoretisch) das Model austauschen gegen z.B. eine Datenbank, andere Klassen als CSV gibt es im Moment noch nicht
  • Die Tabelle hat ein automatisched ID-Feld, es wird z.B. auf Wunsch automatisch überschrieben.

Wenn du die Klassen erweiterst / neue Klassen erstellst, fände ich es schön, informiert zu werden.

    abstract class Model {  
        protected $data;  
        protected $dimensions = 1;  
        public function __construct($dimensions) {  
            $this->dimensions = $dimensions;  
        public function __destruct() {}  
        abstract public function save();  
        abstract public function open();  
    abstract class Model2D extends Model {  
        protected $idfield = -1;  
        protected $rowlength = 1;  
        public function __construct($rowlength) {  
            $this->rowlength = $rowlength;  
        public function __destruct() {  
        public function setIdfield($idfield) {  
            if(is_numeric($idfield)) {  
                if($idfield < $this->rowlength) {  
                    $this->idfield = $idfield;  
                } else {  
                    throw new Exception('idfield must be lower than rowlength');  
            } else {  
                throw new Exception('idfield has to be numeric');  
        public function getIdfield() {  
            return $this->idfield;  
        public function add($row) {  
            if($this->idfield != -1) {  
                if($this->idExists($row[$this->idfield])) {  
                    throw new Exception('A row with this ID exists');  
            if(count($row) > $this->rowlength) {  
                $row = array_slice($row,0,$this->rowlength);  
            } else if(count($row) < $this->rowlength) {  
                $row = array_pad($row, $this->rowlength, '');  
            $this->data[] = $row;  
        public function remove($id) {  
            $key = $this->findRow($id);  
            if($key != -1) {  
        public function idExists($id, $idfield = -1) {  
            if($idfield == -1) {  
                if($this->idfield != -1) {  
                    $idfield = $this->idfield;  
                } else {  
                    $idfield = 0;  
            foreach($this->data as $key => $row) {  
                if($row[$idfield] == $id) {  
                    return true;  
            return false;  
        public function update($id, $data, $idfield = -1) {  
            if($idfield == -1) {  
                if($this->idfield != -1) {  
                    $idfield = $this->idfield;  
                } else {  
                    $idfield = 0;  
            foreach($this->data as $key => $row) {  
                if($row[$idfield] == $id) {  
                    if(count($data) > $this->rowlength) {  
                        $data = array_slice($data,0,$this->rowlength);  
                    } else if(count($data) < $this->rowlength) {  
                        $data = array_pad($data, $this->rowlength, '');  
                    $this->data[$key] = $data;  
                    return $key;  
            return -1;  
        public function findRow($id, $idfield = -1) {  
            if($idfield == -1) {  
                if($this->idfield != -1) {  
                    $idfield = $this->idfield;  
                } else {  
                    $idfield = 0;  
            foreach($this->data as $key => $row) {  
                if($row[$idfield] == $id) {  
                    return $key;  
            return -1;  
    class CSV extends Model2D {  
        private $handle;  
        private $delimiter = ",";  
        private $flcaption = false;  
        private $fields;  
        public function __construct($filename, $rowlength) {  
            if(file_exists($filename) && !is_dir($filename)) {  
                $this->handle = fopen($filename, "a+");  
        public function save() {  
            ftruncate($this->handle, 0);  
            if($this->flcaption) {  
                fwrite($this->handle, CSV::toCsvString($this->fields, $this->delimiter)."\r\n");  
            foreach($this->data as $row) {  
                fwrite($this->handle, CSV::toCsvString($row, $this->delimiter)."\r\n");  
        public function setDelimiter($delimiter) {  
            $this->delimiter = $delimiter{0};  
        public function setFirstLineCaption($flcaption) {  
            $this->flcaption = ($flcaption == true);  
        public function setCaptions($fields) {  
            if(is_array($fields)) {  
                $this->fields = $fields;  
            } else {  
                throw new Exception('fields has to be an array');  
        public function getDelimiter() {  
            return $this->delimiter;  
        public function getFirstLineCaption() {  
            return $this->flcaption;  
        public function getCaptions() {  
            return $this->fields;  
        public function open() {  
            if($this->flcaption) {  
                $line = fgets($this->handle, 65526);  
                $line = str_replace(chr(10), '', $line);  
                $line = str_replace(chr(13), '', $line);  
                $row = explode($this->delimiter, $line);  
                $this->fields = $row;  
            while(!feof($this->handle)) {  
                $line = fgets($this->handle, 65526);  
                if(trim($line) == "") continue;  
                $line = str_replace(chr(10), '', $line);  
                $line = str_replace(chr(13), '', $line);  
                $row = explode($this->delimiter, $line);  
                $this->data[] = $row;  
        public function set($id, $data) {  
            foreach($this->data as $key=>$row) {  
                if($row[$this->idfield] == $id) {  
                    $this->data[$key] = $data;  
                    return true;  
            return false;  
        public function __destruct() {  
        public static function toCsvString($data, $delimiter) {  
            return implode($delimiter, $data);  
        public function asAssoziative() {  
            $a = array();  
            foreach($this->data as $key => $value) {  
                if($this->idfield == -1) {  
                    $a[$key] = $this->makeFieldNamesAsKeys($value);  
                } else {  
                    $a[$value[$this->idfield]] = $this->makeFieldNamesAsKeys($value);  
            return $a;  
        protected function makeFieldNamesAsKeys($values) {  
            $return = array();  
            foreach($values as $k => $v) {  
                $return[$this->fields[$k]] = $v;  
            return $return;  

mfg, Flo

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