Hallo Martin,
By the way: Gibt es eigentlich C-Compiler, die auf Linux laufen, aber Windows-Executables erstellen?
----------------- schnipp ---------------------------------
christian@cobalt ~/tmp/mingw $ cat test.c
#include <stdio.h>
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
printf ("Hallo Welt!\n");
return 0;
christian@cobalt ~/tmp/mingw $ i686-mingw32-gcc -Wall -o test.exe test.c
christian@cobalt ~/tmp/mingw $ file test.exe
test.exe: MS-DOS executable PE for MS Windows (console) Intel 80386 32-bit
christian@cobalt ~/tmp/mingw $ wine test.exe
Hallo Welt!
----------------- schnapp ---------------------------------
Viele Grüße,
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Using XSLT to create JSON output (Saxon-B 9.0 for Java)
»I don't believe you can call yourself a web developer until you've built an app that uses hyperlinks for deletion and have all your data deleted by a search bot.«
-- Kommentar bei TDWTF
Mein "Weblog" [RSS]
Using XSLT to create JSON output (Saxon-B 9.0 for Java)
»I don't believe you can call yourself a web developer until you've built an app that uses hyperlinks for deletion and have all your data deleted by a search bot.«
-- Kommentar bei TDWTF