alfreed: Datei bei upload umbenennen

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ich suche schon seit Ewigkeiten, habe bisher aber nichts gefunden, was bei mir auch wirklich funktioniert. Ich habe das mod_easyuploader auf Joomla 1.5.15 und möchte hochgeladene Dateien automatisch von "bild.jpg" in bspw. "07-06-2010-bild.jpg" umbenennen. Ich bin leider noch der totale Anfänger, was PHP betrifft. Hier der Modul-Code:

// no direct access  
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');  
class modEasyFileUploaderHelper  
	public static function getFileToUpload(&$params)  
		$result = "";  
		//check to see if the upload process has started  
		if (isset($_FILES[$params->get('efu_variable')]))  
			//now, we're going to check each of the uploaded files  
			$total = intval($params->get('efu_multiple'));  
			for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++)  
				//so, now, check for any other errors  
				if ($_FILES[$params->get('efu_variable')]["error"][$i] > 0)  
					//error was found. Show the return code.  
					$result .= "Return Code: ".$_FILES[$params->get('efu_variable')]["error"][$i]."<br />";  
					$result .= modEasyFileUploaderHelper::fileUploadErrorMessage($_FILES[$params->get('efu_variable')]["error"][$i]);  
					//no errors found.  
					//check to see if the file type is correct  
					//but first, we have to store the file types in a variable. I was getting an issue with empty()  
					$filetypes = $params->get('efu_filetypes');  
					if ($filetypes == "*" || stripos($filetypes, $_FILES[$params->get('efu_variable')]["type"][$i]) !== false)  
						//the file type is permitted  
						//so, check for the right size  
						if ($_FILES[$params->get('efu_variable')]["size"][$i] < $params->get('efu_maxsize'))  
							//file is an acceptable size  
							//check to see if file already exists in the destination folder  
							if (file_exists(JPATH_SITE.DS.'images'.DS.$params->get('efu_folder').DS.$_FILES[$params->get('efu_variable')]["name"][$i]))  
								//file already exists  
								//check whether the user wants to replace the file or not.  
								if ($params->get('efu_replace') == "0" && $_POST["answer"] == "0")  
									//yep, the user wants to replace the file, so just delete the existing file  
									$result .= "Die vorherige Datei wurde gelöscht. ";  
									modEasyFileUploaderHelper::storeUploadedFile($params, $result, $i);  
									$result .= $_FILES[$params->get('efu_variable')]["name"][$i]." already exists.";  
								modEasyFileUploaderHelper::storeUploadedFile($params, $result, $i);  
							//file is too large  
							$result .= "Fehler: die Datei ist zu groß. Sie muss kleiner als ".modEasyFileUploaderHelper::sizeToText($params->get('efu_maxsize'))."sein.";  
						//the file type is not permitted  
						$result .= "Fehler: der Dateityp, ".$_FILES[$params->get('efu_variable')]["type"][$i].", wird nicht unterstützt.";  
				$result .= "";  
		return $result;  
	private static function storeUploadedFile(&$params, &$result, &$i)  
		//move the file to the destination folder  
		move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$params->get('efu_variable')]["tmp_name"][$i], JPATH_SITE.DS.'images'.DS.$params->get('efu_folder').DS.$_FILES[$params->get('efu_variable')]["name"][$i]);  
		//Upload was successful.  
		$result .= "Der Upload war erfolgreich.<br />";  
		$result .= "Name: ".$_FILES[$params->get('efu_variable')]["name"][$i]."&nbsp;|&nbsp;";  
		$result .= "Typ: ".$_FILES[$params->get('efu_variable')]["type"][$i]."&nbsp;|&nbsp;";  
		$result .= "Gr&ouml;&szlig;e: ".modEasyFileUploaderHelper::sizeToText($_FILES[$params->get('efu_variable')]["size"][$i])."<br />";  
		$result .= "Temp file: ".$_FILES[$params->get('efu_variable')]["tmp_name"][$i]."<br />";  
		$result .= "Dateipfad: www.domain.tld/".$params->get('efu_folder').DS.$_FILES[$params->get('efu_variable')]["name"][$i];  

Danke schon mal im vorraus!