"wetter.com - Relaunch with symfony2, Assetic, Varnish and Twig
After a lot of hard work, on march 10 a complete rebuild of wetter.com went online. The site is #1 or #2 in germany for weather forecasts since years with millions of visits/day. It was built completely new on PHP 5.4, Symfony 2, MySQL, SolR, Varnish and NginX. The task to re-build the whole site from scratch was given to our partner TFT (Tomorrow Focus Technologies) who invited 100 DAYS into the project to develop the symfony2 parts. This post describes the experiences we made when developing and launching this large scale application."
"In 2007, the first Plat_Forms contest took place with support of Zend Technologies, University of Berlin, Heise Publishing Company and OSBF. It was a web development platform comparison like it had never been done before: 9 teams in controlled environment doing the same task in a limited time. During that time, the team of Prof. Lutz Prechelt collected data and after the contest, the results together with the data regarding the workflow of the individual teams was evaluated in a scientific way.
Back then, the PHP teams had outperformed Java and Perl in terms of development productivity and usability of the resulting applications. The results of this contests helped to position PHP in many large organisations because they proved common prejudices against PHP wrong: No, PHP is not insecure, no it is not slow, etc."
und daraus folgend:
"Plat_Forms - The web development platform comparison"
Ich bleibe bei meiner Meinung, dass Perl aus historischen Gründen noch mit dabei ist. Ob das ein Gerücht ist und was ich damit anrichte, sollen andere entscheiden, ist ja immer noch Meinungsfreiheit hier. Und klar, dass CPAN seinem Namen gemäß sich hier für Perl stark machen muss. Aber ohne Zahlen und Fakten hilft es auch nix, andere Ansichten als "Gerüchte", die mutmaßlich Schanden anrichten, abzutun.