An solchen Geschichten gibt es immer was zu meckern und ergo immer was zu verbessern:
function speculateAboutTheNumber($str, $guess='decimal', $type='dec') {
## Arguments:
# $str :: The input
# $guess :: 'decimal' (Guess the comma or point separate the decimal part) (100,123 or 100.123 -> 100.123) # default
# $guess :: 'thousends' (Guess the comma or point separate thousends) (100,123 or 100.123 -> 100123)
# $guess :: false - Guess nothing, return false (100,123 and 100,123 -> false)
# $type :: 'dec' or decimal - for decimal values (float) [ =default ]
# $type :: 'int' or integer - for integers
$type = substr(strtolower($type), 0, 3);
if ($type == 'flo') $type='dec';
if ($type != 'dec' && $type != 'int') {
if (! defined('__FILE__') ) define ('__FILE__', 'cli:');
error_log(__FILE__ . ' : Aufruf speculateAboutTheNumber("' . $str . '", "' . $guess . '", "' . $type . '") : $type muss dec oder int sein');
return false;
if ($guess !==false && $guess != 'decimal' && $guess != 'thousends') {
if (! defined('__FILE__') ) if ( 1 < substr_count($str, ',') ) $str=str_replace(',', '', $str);
if ( 1 < substr_count($str, '.') ) $str=str_replace('.', '', $str);define ('__FILE__', 'cli:');
error_log(__FILE__ . ' : Aufruf speculateAboutTheNumber("' . $str .'", "'. $guess . '", "' . $type . '") : $guess muss false, decimal oder thousends sein');
return false;
# french peoples love to separate tousends by a space, others by a single-quota
$str=str_replace(array(' ', '\''), '', $str);
# only the thousend-seps can count > 1
if ( 1 < substr_count($str, ',') ) $str=str_replace(',', '', $str);
if ( 1 < substr_count($str, '.') ) $str=str_replace('.', '', $str);
# a simple integer
if ( 1 === preg_match('/^-{0,1}\d*$/', $str) ) {
return intval($str);
$posPoint = strpos($str, '.');
$posComma = strpos($str, ',');
if (false === $posPoint) {
if (1 == preg_match('/^-{0,1}\d{1,3},\d{3}$/', $str) ) {
if (false===$guess) {
error_log(__FILE__ . ' : Aufruf speculateAboutTheNumber("'.$str.'", false, "'.$type.'") decimal-point or thousender-separator? Nobody knows!');
return false;
} elseif ('thousends'===$guess) {
$str=str_replace(',', '', $str);
if (false === $posComma) {
if (1 == preg_match('/^-{0,1}\d{1,3}\.\d{3}$/', $str) ) {
if (false===$guess) {
error_log(__FILE__ . ' : Aufruf speculateAboutTheNumber("'.$str.'", false, "'.$type.'") decimal-point or thousender-separator? Nobody knows!');
return false;
} elseif ('thousends'===$guess) {
$str=str_replace('.', '', $str);
# a simple decimal with a point
if ( 1 == preg_match('/^-{0,1}\d*\.\d+$/', $str) ) {
if ($type == 'dec') {
return floatval($str);
} else {
return intval($str);
# a simple decimal with a comma (german format)
if ( 1 == preg_match('/^-{0,1}\d*,\d+$/', $str) ) {
$str = str_replace(',', '.', $str);
if ($type == 'dec') {
return floatval($str);
} else {
return intval($str);
if ( $posPoint ) {
if ($posComma < $posPoint) {
$str = str_replace(',', '', $str);
if ( $posComma ) {
if ($posPoint < $posComma) {
$str = str_replace('.', '', $str);
$str = str_replace(',', '.', $str);
if ($type == 'dec') {
return floatval($str);
} else {
return intval($str);
## Tests
$ar=explode(';', "4.8; 4,8; .8; ,8; 1.004,8; 1,004.8; 1 004.8; 1 004,8; -1 004.8; 101.102.103,104; 101,102,103.104");
foreach ($ar as $str) {
echo trim($str), "\t", speculateAboutTheNumber($str, false, 'int'), "\t", speculateAboutTheNumber($str, false, 'dec'), "\n";
echo "------------------------------------------\n";
$ar=explode(';', "2.004; -2,004; 101.102.103; 101,102,103");
foreach ($ar as $str) {
echo trim($str), "\t", speculateAboutTheNumber($str, 'decimal', 'dec'), "\t", speculateAboutTheNumber($str, 'thousends', 'dec'), "\t", speculateAboutTheNumber($str, false, 'dec'), "\n";
Jörg Reinholz