@@Felix Riesterer
es ist ein carousel - und die sind bestenfalls nervig. Benutze sie einfach nicht.
„Carousels (or ‘content sliders’) are like men“, sagt Heydon. „They are not literally all bad — some are even helpful and considerate. But I don’t trust anyone unwilling to acknowledge a glaring pattern of awfulness. Also like men, I appreciate that many of you would rather just avoid dealing with carousels, but often don’t have the choice. Hence this article“, in welchem er beschreibt, wie man ein Karussel richtig™ baut.
“When UX doesn’t consider all users, shouldn’t it be known as ‘Some User Experience’ or... SUX? #a11y” —Billy Gregory
“When UX doesn’t consider all users, shouldn’t it be known as ‘Some User Experience’ or... SUX? #a11y” —Billy Gregory