JürgenB: HTML 5 Drag und Drop API - dropEffect

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Hallo Rolf,


[Log] DragEnter: none of possible copyMove (ddquiz.js, line 117)
[Log] DragLeave: none of possible copyMove (ddquiz.js, line 125)
[Log] DragEnter: none of possible copyMove (ddquiz.js, line 117)
[Log] DragOver: copy of possible copyMove (ddquiz.js, line 109, x51)
[Log] DragLeave: none of possible copyMove (ddquiz.js, line 125)
[Log] DragEnter: none of possible copyMove (ddquiz.js, line 117)
[Log] DragOver: copy of possible copyMove (ddquiz.js, line 109, x238)


Uncaught TypeError: dZone.classList is undefined
    getDropzone http://quiz.borchmann.one/ddquiz.js?bust=2:135
    handleDragEnterEvent http://quiz.borchmann.one/ddquiz.js?bust=2:114
    EventListener.handleEvent* http://quiz.borchmann.one/ddquiz.js?bust=2:215
DragEnter: move of possible uninitialized ddquiz.js:117:15
Uncaught TypeError: dZone.classList is undefined
    getDropzone http://quiz.borchmann.one/ddquiz.js?bust=2:135
    handleDragLeaveEvent http://quiz.borchmann.one/ddquiz.js?bust=2:122
    EventListener.handleEvent* http://quiz.borchmann.one/ddquiz.js?bust=2:216
DragOver: copy of possible uninitialized ddquiz.js:109:15
DragEnter: move of possible uninitialized ddquiz.js:117:15
DragLeave: none of possible uninitialized ddquiz.js:125:15
DragOver: copy of possible uninitialized 5 ddquiz.js:109:15
DragEnter: move of possible uninitialized ddquiz.js:117:15
DragLeave: none of possible uninitialized ddquiz.js:125:15
DragOver: copy of possible uninitialized 4 ddquiz.js:109:15
DragLeave: none of possible uninitialized ddquiz.js:125:15
DragEnter: move of possible uninitialized ddquiz.js:117:15
DragOver: copy of possible uninitialized 43 ddquiz.js:109:15
DragLeave: none of possible uninitialized ddquiz.js:125:15
DragEnter: move of possible uninitialized ddquiz.js:117:15
DragOver: copy of possible uninitialized
