Gunnar Bittersmann: Text an Gerätegröße anpassen

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@@Rolf B

zweimal font-size in einer CSS Regel anzugeben ist nicht sinnvoll.

Natürlich ist es das! Progressive enhancement.

Warst du nicht der, der immer darauf besteht, dass es auch im IE funktioniert?

body {
  font-size: 1.2em; /* fallback for old browsers */
  font-size: min(1em + 1vw, 4em);


“When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy.’ They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.” —John Lennon