<% bm = Request.Form("bm")%>
<% kw = Request.Form("kw")%><%
Set cn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
cn.Open "KFZ"
SQLQuery = "SELECT Wert FROM DBA_haftpflicht where minB_M <= &bm& and maxB_M >= &bm& and minKW <= &kw& and maxKW >= &kw&"
Set praemie = cn.Execute(SQLQuery)%>
du musst deine Variablen richtig in dein SQL-Statement einbinden.
SQLQuery = "SELECT Wert FROM DBA_haftpflicht where minB_M <= '" & bm & "' and maxB_M >= '" & bm & "' and minKW <= '" & kw & "' and maxKW >= '" & kw & "'"
Tschau, Stefan