Markus: Hyperlink der sich automatisch öffnet??

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Function FP_FieldVal(rs, fldname)

FP_FieldVal = Server.HTMLEncode(FP_Field(rs, fldname))
    if FP_FieldVal = "" then FP_FieldVal = " "

End Function

Function FP_Field(rs, fldname)

If Not IsEmpty(rs) And Not (rs Is Nothing) and Not IsNull(rs(fldname)) Then
        Select Case rs(fldname).Type
            Case 128, 204, 205 ' adBinary, adVarBinary, adLongVarBinary
                FP_Field = "[#BINARY#]"
            Case 201, 203 ' adLongVarChar, adLongVarWChar
                if rs(fldname).DefinedSize > 255 then
                    ' check for Access hyperlink fields (only absolute http links)
                    fp_strVal = rs(fldname)
                    fp_idxHash1 = InStr(LCase(fp_strVal),"#http://")
                    if fp_idxHash1 > 0 then
                        fp_idxHash2 = InStr(fp_idxHash1+1,fp_strVal,"#")
                        if fp_idxHash2 > 0 then
                            ' this is an Access hyperlink; extract the URL part
                            fp_strVal = Mid(fp_strVal,fp_idxHash1+1)
                            if Right(fp_strVal,1) = "#" then
                                fp_strVal = Left(fp_strVal,Len(fp_strVal)-1)
                            end if
                        end if
                     end if
                     FP_Field = fp_strVal
                     FP_Field = rs(fldname)
                end if
            Case Else
                FP_Field = rs(fldname)
        End Select
        FP_Field = ""
    End If

End Function

Function FP_FieldHTML(rs, fldname)

FP_FieldHTML = Server.HTMLEncode(FP_Field(rs, fldname))

End Function

Function FP_FieldURL(rs, fldname)

FP_FieldURL = Server.URLEncode(FP_Field(rs, fldname))

End Function

Function FP_FieldLink(rs, fldname)

FP_FieldLink = Replace(FP_Field(rs, fldname), " ", "%20")

End Function

Sub FP_OpenConnection(oConn, sAttrs, sUID, sPWD, fMSAccessReadOnly)

Dim sTmp
 Dim sConnStr
 Dim fIsAccessDriver

fIsAccessDriver = (InStr(LCase(sAttrs), "microsoft access driver") > 0)
 sConnStr = FP_RemoveDriverWithDSN(sAttrs)
 sTmp = sConnStr

On Error Resume Next

If fMSAccessReadOnly And fIsAccessDriver Then

sTmp = sTmp & ";Exclusive=1;ReadOnly=1"

  oConn.Open sTmp, sUID, sPWD
  If Err.Description = "" Then Exit Sub

End If

 oConn.Open sConnStr, sUID, sPWD

End Sub

Function FP_RemoveDriverWithDSN(sAttrs)

FP_RemoveDriverWithDSN = sAttrs

sDrv = "driver="
 sDSN = "dsn="
 sLC = LCase(sAttrs)
 if InStr(sLC, sDSN) < 1 then exit function

idxFirst = InStr(sLC, sDrv)
 if idxFirst < 1 then exit function
 idxBeg = idxFirst + Len(sDrv)
 if Mid(sLC,idxBeg,1) = "{" then
  idxEnd = InStr(idxBeg, sLC, "}")
  if idxEnd > 0 and Mid(sLC,idxEnd+1,1) = ";" then
   idxEnd = idxEnd + 1
  end if
  idxEnd = InStr(idxBeg, sLC, ";")
 end if
 if idxEnd < 1 then idxEnd = Len(sLC)

FP_RemoveDriverWithDSN = Left(sAttrs,idxFirst-1) & Mid(sAttrs,idxEnd+1)

End Function

Sub FP_OpenRecordset(rs)

On Error Resume Next

End Sub

Function FP_ReplaceQuoteChars(sQry)

Dim sIn
 Dim sOut
 Dim idx

sIn = sQry
 sOut = ""

idx = InStr(sIn, "%%")

Do While (idx > 0)

sOut = sOut & Left(sIn, idx - 1)
  sIn = Mid(sIn, idx + 2)
  if (Left(sIn,1) = "%") And (Left(sIn,2) <> "%%") then
   sIn = Mid(sIn, 2)
   sOut = sOut & "%"
  end if
  sOut = sOut & "::"

idx = InStr(sIn, "%%")
  if idx > 0 then
   sOut = sOut & Left(sIn, idx - 1)
   sIn = Mid(sIn, idx + 2)
   sOut = sOut & "::"
   if (Left(sIn,1) = "%") And (Left(sIn,2) <> "%%") then
    sIn = Mid(sIn, 2)
    sOut = sOut & "%"
   end if
  end if

idx = InStr(sIn, "%%")


sOut = sOut & sIn

FP_ReplaceQuoteChars = sOut

End Function

Sub FP_Close(obj)

On Error Resume Next


End Sub

Sub FP_SetCursorProperties(rs)

On Error Resume Next

rs.CursorLocation = 3 ' adUseClient
 rs.CursorType = 3 ' adOpenStatic

End Sub


Mit der Datenbank müßte alles klappen aber dieser onload-Befehl hat ihm nicht gut getan weil sonst gibt er ja dort das jeweils gesuchte ergebnis auch samt der Informationen des Feldes:



