Default text-editor for IE
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0 Armin G.0 Stefan Einspender0 Stefan Muenz0 Tux2000
It seems dutch is a bit to difficult a language for the most of you, and my german grammar differs just a little from the regular I'll try it in english this time.
Does anyone know how to change the default text-editor in the Internet Explorer? I don't mean Tools->Internet options->programs->HTML editor, but the editor that starts up when I right-click on a page and choose View Source. It has to be somewhere in the registry, but where that's something less common known.
I have no problems reading german, I just did receive some comments on my grammar and am trying to avoid losing my temper (again), so answer in german if you like...
Hi Gandalf,
I have no problems reading german, I just did receive some comments on my grammar and am trying to avoid losing my temper (again), so answer in german if you like...
I don't know the answer to your question, but I hope that you've seen my comment to the answers on your question below. I hope that comments from a few people are not going to stop you visiting this forum or posting your questions. Use whatever language you feel comfortable with, at least the regulars will recognise you (and any others like Kal) soon and accept you.
(Deutscher, im Ausland lebend. Dankbar wenn Ihn Leute bei Fehlern berichtigt haben ohne sich ueber ihn lustig zu machen)
Hallo Gandalf,
Does anyone know how to change the default text-editor in the Internet Explorer? I don't mean Tools->Internet options->programs->HTML editor, but the editor that starts up when I right-click on a page and choose View Source. It has to be somewhere in the registry, but where that's something less common known.
ich denke mal, hilft Dir da weiter :-)
Übrigens finde ich es nicht schlimm, wenn Deine deutsche Grammatik
nicht sooo gut ist, ich versuch's zu verstehen und im Zweifelsfall
frage ich dann nochmal nach. Also lass Dich einfach von den, imho
wirklich blöden, Kommentaren nicht stören ;-)
Viele Grüße,
Hi Gandalf
Does anyone know how to change the default text-editor in the Internet Explorer?
There is no official way to do that as far as I know. In Windows 9.x, you can overwrite the windows/notepad.exe with an exe-file of another text editor of your choice. For example, you copy Ulli Meybohm's htmledit.exe as notepad.exe in your Windows directory. In Windows 2000 however, Notepad ist memory resistant. Changing of the notepad.exe doesn't effect.
I have no problems reading german
Dann also noch mal: mir ist keine offizielle Moeglichkeit dazu bekannt. Bei Windows 9.x kannst du die notepad.exe mit einer exe eines anderen Editors deiner Wahl ueberschreiben. Z.B. kopierst du Ulli Meybohms htmledit.exe als notepad.exe ins Windows-Verzeichnis. Bei Win2000 ist allerdings Notepad allerdings speicherresident, und ein Aendern der exe bleibt wirkungslos.
viele Gruesse
Stefan Muenz
Hallo Stefan
Dann also noch mal: mir ist keine offizielle Moeglichkeit dazu bekannt. Bei Windows 9.x kannst du die notepad.exe mit einer exe eines anderen Editors deiner Wahl ueberschreiben. Z.B. kopierst du Ulli Meybohms htmledit.exe als notepad.exe ins Windows-Verzeichnis. Bei Win2000 ist allerdings Notepad allerdings speicherresident, und ein Aendern der exe bleibt wirkungslos.
überhaupt ist die Website imho für jeden MSIE-Benutzer Pflicht ;-)
Ich frage mich jetzt, warum kenne ich sie eigentlich ... ;-)
Viele Grüße,
Ich frage mich jetzt, warum kenne ich sie eigentlich ... ;-)
Hallo Stefan,
dass der Tag kommen würde, an den ich Dich korrigiere, habe ich zwar bis jetzt nicht geglaubt :-)
In Windows 2000 however, Notepad ist memory resistant. Changing of the notepad.exe doesn't effect.
memory resistant (= deutsch: resistent - Freud freut sich)
memory resident
doesn't effect
doesn't have any affect
Nix für Ungut and keep up the good work
Alan Hathway
Danke aber ich habe windows 2000, und ein problem...
my English isn't the best, I'm 14 years old and have the third year learning English ... I hope it doesn't matter :)
Danke aber ich habe windows 2000, und ein problem...
No, you haven't. Did you read Stefan's tip? You have to create a registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\View Source Editor\Editor Name. You have to change the value of "Standard" to the editor of you choice ... BTW: Phase5, written by Ulli Meybohm, is the best IMHO.
Nein. Hast du Stefan's Tipp gelesen? Du musst einen Registrierungsschlüssel (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\View Source Editor\Editor Name) erstellen und als Standardwert einen Editor deine Wahl eintragen ... BTW: Phase5 von Ulli Meybohm, ist meiner Meinung nach der Beste.
Ich habe den Registrierungsschlüssel (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\View Source Editor\Editor Name nicht!!! Ich brauche IE6 und windows 2000, aber die Schlüssel ist nicht da. Deinen englisch ist sicher besser denn meines Deutsch.
Hallo Gandalf, <- </faq/#Q-05a>
Ich habe den Registrierungsschlüssel (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\View Source Editor\Editor Name nicht!!! Ich brauche IE6 und windows 2000, aber die Schlüssel ist nicht da.
da steht etwas von Schlüssel erstellen, d.h. wenn er nicht existiert,
dann mußt Du ihn erstmal erzeugen, wie auf der Seite beschrieben:
Viele Grüße, <- </faq/#Q-05c>
Hi Gandalf,
Ich habe den Registrierungsschlüssel (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\View Source Editor\Editor Name nicht!!! Ich brauche IE6 und windows 2000, aber die Schlüssel ist nicht da. Deinen englisch ist sicher besser denn meines Deutsch.
Thanks :) You have to _create_ the key!
Danke :) Du musst den Schlüssel erstellen!
Andere Frage: Ich weiß nicht, ob das jetzt irgendwie blöd klingt
oder dich beleidigt, aber würde es dir helfen, wenn wir nochmal
eine ... naja ... richtige Version deines Textes in die Antwort
Nein sicher nicht, ich wurde im zukunft auch wieder im Deutsch reden (es versuchen ist vielleicht etwas besser). Danke fur das antwort, ich soll es mal probieren
The great Stefan Münz is right when he says that you can't simply replace NOTEPAD.EXE on Windows 2000.
But he is wrong when he says that it is impossible.
Below is how to do it (stolen from Ultraedit's Notepad replacement at There is nothing special with the Ultraedit NOTEPAD.EXE, it's a simple Windows EXE. The whole trick is to avoid the automatic recovery of the file protection built into Windows 2000 and similar.
Some applications automatically call Notepad without offering the user
any options as to which utility to use. If you'd like UltraEdit-32 to
replace Notepad in these instances please follow these steps:
1. Make sure that during installation of UltraEdit you select the option to
have UltraEdit added to your path. If you did not do this you can reinstall
UltraEdit-32 or edit the path to include the directory to which you installed
UltraEdit-32. Please don't ask us how to edit the path, if you are
unsure please reinstall UltraEdit-32, your configuration changes will not
be lost.
You can verify UltraEdit-32 is in the path by opening a DOS Command Window
and from a DOS prompt (NOT in the UltraEdit directory) type "uedit32". If
this starts UltraEdit-32 the path is set correctly. If not, you will need
correct the path as outlined above.
2. To replace notepad.exe we STRONGLY recommend you find all occurences of
notepad.exe and make a backup copy of them. Do not rename them as this may
cause the File Associations to notepad.exe to remain with with the renamed
After making a copy of the notepad.exe replace the notepad.exe with the
included file (notepad.exe). This file (notepad.exe) will invoke UltraEdit
in instances which by default call for Notepad.
** Note - You need Administrator access to make these changes (at least
with a properly configured system).
1. In the WINNT\system32\dllcache directory, rename the old notepad.exe
(if it exists) to notepad.exe.bak or something similar so that you'll have
it if you need to go back. (This directory may be hidden.)
2. Copy the attached notepad.exe into your dllcache directory. Windows 2000
will notice the change and pop up a dialog box asking you to insert your
Windows 2000 CD so that it can restore the file. Hit <Cancel>. You will be
asked if you're sure that you want to use the unsigned version; answer <Yes>.
3. After Step 2, you can go ahead and copy your new notepad.exe into
your WINNT and WINNT\system32 directories. You'll get the same dialog
boxes that you did in Step 2; just give the same responses. You're now
ready to roll. (If you do this before Step 1, Windows 2000 will take its
original copy from dllcache and replace your new versions.)
** Note that if you have your Windows 2000 CD in your drive when you do this,
it's possible that instead of popping up a dialog box, Windows 2000 will pull
the old notepad.exe from the CD and replace your new notepad.exe
without any notification. If this occurs, it won't hurt anything,
you'll just have to take the CD out and re-do Steps 1 and 2.
Hi Alex,
the trick you mention about replacing the original notepad.exe is fine, in general, but...
Windows itself does quite the same masquerade to pretend the presence of write.exe for the sake of backward compatibility to Windows 3.x. This write.exe, however, is just a stub that invokes wordpad.exe and passes the entire command line along.
Quite some time ago, I thought I could use this stub, rename it, patch the filename "wordpad.exe" and use that as a notepad.exe replacement. It works for almost any application that would normally invoke Notepad, except for IE when I try to view the source code. The reason is that IE obviously does not enclose the file name in quotes when invoking Notepad. So my editor complains "Can't find 'Temporary'", "Can't find 'internet'", "Can't find 'files'", etc.
Do you happen to know a workaround for this?
Hope you do,
Hi Alex,
the trick you mention about replacing the original notepad.exe is fine, in general, but...
Windows itself does quite the same masquerade to pretend the presence of write.exe for the sake of backward compatibility to Windows 3.x. This write.exe, however, is just a stub that invokes wordpad.exe and passes the entire command line along.
Quite some time ago, I thought I could use this stub, rename it, patch the filename "wordpad.exe" and use that as a notepad.exe replacement. It works for almost any application that would normally invoke Notepad, except for IE when I try to view the source code. The reason is that IE obviously does not enclose the file name in quotes when invoking Notepad. So my editor complains "Can't find 'Temporary'", "Can't find 'internet'", "Can't find 'files'", etc.
Do you happen to know a workaround for this?
Hope you do,
I know that bug from the Ultraedit Notepad.EXE replacement. A solution would be compiling an own Notepad replacement that counts its arguments. If there is one argument, take it as filename. If there is more than one argument, join the arguments with spaces and take the result as filename. Then, invoke the "real" editor with the filename properly quoted. If there is no argument, do something reasonably, like popping up a configuration dialog or simply invoking the "real" editor without a filename argument.
Nice extra: An INI file where you can select the "real" editor and maybe enable converting long to short filenames.
Basically not more than one page C-Source.