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IMAPFilter connects to remote IMAP mail servers and processes messages according to defined filters (rules). It is intended to be executed before a user accesses his/her mailboxes.


IMAPFilter is a mail filtering utility. It connects to remote mail servers using the Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP). Based on the user defined filters it checks messages residing on a remote IMAP mailbox and processes them in various ways.

One can execute imapfilter before:

fetching of mail locally
accessing a mailbox using one of the available Mail User Agents (MUA)
browsing a mailbox via the Web order to "clear" a mailbox and avoid downloading/seeing some specific mails, copy and/or move messages between folders, etc.


Some of IMAPFilter's features are:

Definition of filters using many searching criteria available in the IMAP protocol, such as:

Matching of a string in the headers or the body of a message.
Size of a message.
Date of a message.
Status (recent, unread, etc.) of a message.

Ability to use logical operators (and/or/not) while defining filters.
Multiple IMAP mail accounts and multiple folders (mailboxes) in each account.
Selection of which filters should be applied to each account/folder.
Different actions when a filter matches a message, including:

Deleting of message.
Moving of message to mailbox.
Copying of message to mailbox.
Changing of message flags.

Copy/move of mail between different IMAP mail servers (requires downloading/uploading).
Connections using the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols.
Encryption of accounts' passwords and secure storing of them in the filesystem. Management of the encrypted passwords with integrated interactive password editor.
Daemon mode in which the program polls repeatedly in a specified interval.
Filtering of messages without downloading even a single byte of them.
A log file where optionally information about filtered messages are saved.


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