Jawad: N6 umd Margin

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[...]Du müßtest schonmal deinen Code zeigen, damit man verstehen kann, wie du sie ausgetrickst hast. [...]

der HTML-Code :

<!-- //////// beginn of the topnavigation //////// -->  
  <div id="Div">  
   <ul id="naviTopRight">  
  <ul id="MainTopNavi">  
  <!-- //////// end  of the topnavigation //////// -->  
  <!-- //////// brginn of content //////// -->  
  <div id="mainDiv">  
   <div id="content">  
    <p class="introTxtBold">  
     Phasellus sagittis nisl et nulla. Ut facilisis ultrices orci.  
    <div id="toTopContent2"><a href="#content">Back to Top</a></div>  
   <div id="right"></div>  
  <!-- //////// end of content //////// -->  
  <!-- //////// beginn of the footer //////// -->  
  <div id="footer">  
   Copyright 2005 <a href="/" class="footerL">xxxxxx</a> Corporation. All rights reserved. <a href="/" class="footerL">Privacy &#38; Terms of Use</a>  
   Visit <a href="/" class="footerL">xxxxxx.com</a>  
  <!-- //////// end of the footer //////// -->  

Der CSS-Code:

[code  lang=html]
#mainDiv {  /*div for the bodycontent*/
 width: 755px;
 float: left;
#footer { /* div for footer */
 height: 20px;
   font-size: .9em;
 padding-top: 40px 0 40px 0;
 margin: 40px 0 0 0;
 clear: left;