Orlando: Opera 9 Technical Preview 1 verfügbar

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Werte Gemeinde,

eine Vorabversion von Opera 9 ist verfügbar. Vorab: Sie ist geil :-)

Auszug aus dem Changelog:

Added support for Atom 1.0.
 Added support for WebForms 2.
 Implemented support for canvas.
 Added support for XSLT 1.0 and the XSLTProcessor constructor.
 Added support for XPath 1.0.
 Body element now uses margin instead of padding by default.
 UL/OL elements now use padding instead of margin by default.
 SVG support increased to partial SVG 1.1 basic.
 Added support for CSS 3 attribute and UI selector
 Allowed positioned elements to appear in front of iframes and objects.
 content:attr() now works for 'style' attributes.
 Object iframes now accept transparent backgrounds.

Download für Windows / Mac / Unix.

Wir kriegen euch alle! ;-)
