Hello in here:)
also die head.js:
//function: frames list und content nach bedarf austauschen.
var param;
function setPage(param){
parent.list.location.href = "../xml/" + param + "-tree.xml";
function setNNPage(param){
parent.list.location.href = "../asp/nn-interface.asp?f=tree&p=" + param;
window.status = "Willkomen";
// script ende -->
die andere js Datei gibts nich..die zeile war zu viel.
asp Datei:
<!-- #include file="../inc/xml-function.asp" -->
Response.CacheControl = "private"
'# '# ----------------------------------------------------------
'# Netscape interface
'# mario |
'# This interface supports netscape browser up to Version 4.0 or higher.
'# This interface parse xml with xsl files. For the head frame it use the
'# file "/xsl/nn-head.xsl".
'# First entry:
'# parse head.xml with head.xsl; networks-tree.xml with list.xsl and
'# networks-content.xml with content.xsl through XMLDOM {Microsoft}
'# Global Var:
'# Parse XML and XSL file for the head frame
if Request.QueryString("f") = "head" then
Response.Write parseXMLandXSL( "Head", "", "NN-Head.xsl" )
end if
'# Parse XML and XSL file for the list frame
if Request.QueryString("f") = "tree" and Request.QueryString("p") <> "" then
Response.Write parseXMLandXSL( Request.QueryString("p"), "-tree", "nn-list.xsl" )
end if
'# Parse XML and XSL file for the content frame
if Request.QueryString("f") = "content" and Request.QueryString("p") <> "" then
Response.Write parseXMLandXSL( Request.QueryString("p"), "-content", "content-entry.xsl" )
end if
'>>>> ende