Anfänger braucht Hilfe
- javascript
0 JürgenB
Hallo Zusammen,
ich als blutiger Anfänger, sitze schon seit Stunden vor folgender Aufgabe:
The program should take the user through the following process:
1. the customer is prompted to enter how many different products they want to purchase (you can assume the customer will input a whole number)
2. For each product, the customer is then prompted to
•enter the item number from the column headed Item in Figure 2, (e.g. they would enter 3 to choose product n-87-012)
•enter how many units of that product they require
(e.g. 6 Headbanger hi-fis).
3. Step 2 is then repeated until the number of products the user chose in Step 1 is reached. When the ordering process is complete, the program prints out the order.
Bisher habe ich folgendes erstellt, aber irgendwie bekomme ich den Output nicht hin.
var customerCodes = ['lt-17', 'gw-3', 'lg-9', 'il-77', 'fy-32'];
var customerPasswords = ['password', 'bluesky', 'dr45gr6', 'onlyme', 'lothlorien'];
// These are arrays containing product data
var productCodes = ['a-23-009', 'k-246-07', 'd-555-01', 'n-87-012', 'u-521-08', 't-99-002'];
var productDescriptions = ['Superslurry electric blender', 'Apple - iPod (second-hand)', 'CoziNap nylon duvet tog 2', 'Headbanger mini hi-fi 20W', 'MagiBoot shoe cleaning kit', 'The PushmiPulu lawnmower'];
var productPrices = [45, 50, 15, 25, 75, 7, 60];
var productStock = [200, 0, 2, 500, 500, 15];
// These are useful variables
var customerIndex;
var password = "";
var found = false;
password = window.prompt("Please enter your password");
// iterate over password array
function checkPassword()
for(var i = 0; i < customerPasswords.length && found == false; i++)
// check if password match
if(password == customerPasswords[i])
// remember customerIndex
customerIndex = i;
found = true;
if (found == true)
window.alert("Welcome, Customer " + customerCodes[customerIndex] + ". Ready to start shopping?");
window.alert("Wrong password");
password = window.prompt("Please enter your password");
document.write("<BR>" + "<BR>" + "Here are the exciting products we have available today:");
document.write("<BR>" + "Item---Code--------Product-------------------Price- --Stock");
document.write("<BR>" + "=============================================" + "<BR>");
for (var j = 0; j < productCodes.length; j++)
document.write(j + "---" + productCodes[j] + "--" + productDescriptions[j] + "---" + productPrices[j] + "-- " + "--" + productStock[j] + "<BR>");
var numberOfProducts;
numberOfProducts = window.prompt("How many different products you want to purchase?");
var orderProductArray = new Array (numberOfProducts);
var orderQuantityArray = new Array(numberOfProducts);
var findProduct = new Array(numberOfProducts);
for (var k = 1; k <= numberOfProducts; k++)
orderProductArray[k] = window.prompt("Please enter the item number for product " + k + " you want to purchase");
orderQuantityArray[k] = window.prompt("How many units do you require for product " + k + " ?");
for (var r = 0; r < productCodes.length; r++)
if (productCodes[r] == orderProductArray[k])
findProduct[r] = r
document.write("<BR>" + "Here is your order il-77");
document.write("<BR>" + "Code--------Product------------------------Number----------Price Each");
document.write("<BR>" + "========================================");
for (var l = 1; l <= numberOfProducts.length; l++)
document.write("<BR>" + productCodes[findProduct] + "--" + productDescriptions[findProduct] + "-----" + orderQuantityArray[k] + "------------" + + productPrices[findProduct] + "<BR>");
Kann mir vielleicht jemand helfen und Licht ins Dunkel bringen?
Hallo Privateer,
Kann mir vielleicht jemand helfen und Licht ins Dunkel bringen?
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und wenn das nicht reicht, dann schreib mal etwas genauer, was an deinem Entwurf nicht geht. Oder stell das ganze online, dann kann man sich das mal ansehen. Denn offensichtlich haben nicht viele Lust, dein Zeugs in eine eigene Testseite zu kopieren und dann einen Test- und Debuglauf zu starten.
Gruß, Jürgen