Hi Ingrid!
Die Zeile
$h1 = atan2($lab1[1],$lab1[2]);
muss wie folgt ersetzt werden:
$h1 = (((180000000/M_PI) * atan2($lab1[1],$lab1[2]) + 360000000) % 360000000)/1000000;
Grund: H1 muss im Gradmaß vorliegen, nicht im Bogenmaß.
Damit findet die Funktion auch die richtigen Farbwerte zuverlässiger.
MfG H☼psel
"It's amazing I won. I was running against peace, prosperity, and incumbency."
George W. Bush speaking to Swedish Prime Minister unaware a live television camera was still rolling, June 14, 2001
Selfcode: ie:% fl:( br:> va:) ls:& fo:) rl:? n4:& ss:| de:] js:| ch:? sh:( mo:) zu:)
"It's amazing I won. I was running against peace, prosperity, and incumbency."
George W. Bush speaking to Swedish Prime Minister unaware a live television camera was still rolling, June 14, 2001
Selfcode: ie:% fl:( br:> va:) ls:& fo:) rl:? n4:& ss:| de:] js:| ch:? sh:( mo:) zu:)