tami: NSA korrumpierte crypto-standard - backdoor randommanipulator



"The Times reports that the NSA then pushed its backdoored standard through the International Organization for Standardization and the Canadian Communications Security Establishment. "

"The agency said that because of cryptographers’ concerns, it would reopen the public comment period for three publications — Special Publication 800-90A and drafts of Special Publications 800-90B and 800-90C — which all use the random number generator in question."



  1. હેલો

    "The Times reports that the NSA then pushed its backdoored standard through the International Organization for Standardization and the Canadian Communications Security Establishment. "

    "The agency said that because of cryptographers’ concerns, it would reopen the public comment period for three publications — Special Publication 800-90A and drafts of Special Publications 800-90B and 800-90C — which all use the random number generator in question."

    1984 lässt grüssen.


    1. Hi Malcolm Beck´s!

      1984 lässt grüssen.

      Die Realität hat Orwells Fantasie längst überholt.


      sudo make me a sandwich